Above image from the Stop Mass Incarceration Network.

A national day of protest labeled #A14 sparked by a call to action by Dr. Cornel West resulted in protests throughout the nation. West urged people to participate in a national movement to put a stop to the killing of black and Latino people. Notable protests were held in various parts of New York City, Oakland, Los Angeles, Seattle, Cleveland, Atlanta, North Carolina, Stockton and other locations. In some cities roads were blocked, traffic was stopped and business as usual was unable to occur.
#A14 is an outgrowth of the #Black Lives Matter movement that has raised the consciousness of Americans about police violence across the nation. The movement built after the killing of Michael Brown in Ferguson and has re-sparked with recent killings of African Americans in various parts of the country.
Below are photographs and tweets showing protests in various parts of the country as well as brief write-ups from the Stop Mass Incarceration Network.
New York
#Ferguson reignites? #A14 protesters shut down NYC http://t.co/BcgRhoMVyh pic.twitter.com/XaCLTMwmHu
— Ruptly (@Ruptly) April 14, 2015
At #a14 things are getting tense as protesters take the streets and get shoved by NYPD but continue anyway pic.twitter.com/3zts2d7gPB
— Luke Rudkowski (@Lukewearechange) April 14, 2015
Seen in Union Square at #A14 #A14ShutDown rally (NYC) “Stop Murder By Police” pic.twitter.com/7eQdhXVoSU
— JamesFromTheInternet (@JamesFTInternet) April 14, 2015
Thousands now gathered to hear #CornellWest drop knowledge. #A14 #A14ShutDown About to hit the streets of #NYC pic.twitter.com/GLXeGB8gpZ
— JamesFromTheInternet (@JamesFTInternet) April 14, 2015
#a14 full crowed shot of today’s anti police brutality protest in NYc pic.twitter.com/Tpcb0yCpKQ
— Luke Rudkowski (@Lukewearechange) April 14, 2015
Brooklyn #ShutDownA14
Occupying Flatbush & Atlantic
NY #ShutdownA14 protesters demand justice for blacks amid police brutality wave
This morning’s disruption of “business as usual” at the Ogilvie Metra commuter station. The singer gave beautiful voice to the Peace Poet’s “We Cant’ Breathe” song. Commuters looked stunned out of their morning drill, and people were doubling back to get leaflets. Even the security guard who told us we had to leave from inside the station said that she personally has lost friends to police brutality and she felt our cause.
Unless there’s a video, police go free’: Black families demand justice in racist system
YouTube We know it’s going to be larger next time’ – organizers of NYC rally…
NYC Shutting down Barclay Center
Police attack protestors in NYC
from @jasirix Atlanta
Atlanta – Blocking the entrance to Georgia Tech
#Chicago #justice4justus #JustusHowell #ShutDownA14 #a14 h/t @ChicagoWCW pic.twitter.com/Z90oDtIGoE
— Global Revolution TV (@GlobalRevLive) April 14, 2015
Middle & high school students walkout; take Madison, WI’s biggest street. For Tony Robinson. pic.twitter.com/W2FoyclyZM #a14 via @CapTimesPhotos
— wongofu (@wongofu) April 14, 2015
Black Lives Matter protest hits rush hour in downtown Cleveland
Cleveland.com (click here to see news story)
Faheem Khabeer.
This is not a complete report of all activities today, but of the citywide convergence at 3 pm. People gathered and were very excited by the large banners and the variety of forces who arrived to the area–members of the family of Brandon Jones, killed by Cleveland police on March 19, ministers in clerical collars, revolutionaries, Puncture the Silence and Black on Black Crime, immigration rights activists, young people joining from a teach-in in front of the “Justice” Center, and many others. A rally was followed by a spirited march to City Hall where a delegation delivered an initial summation of the testimony of the People’s Tribunal on Police Brutality, April11to the Mayor of Cleveland. He was not in, but an assistant promised to give him this indictment of the criminal “justice” system in Cleveland.
The march continued through the main streets of downtown Cleveland, accompanied by 4 mounted police, who struggled to corral the demonstrators and, along with speeding police cars sirens blaring succeeded in preventing access to the highway. Someone mentioned that the police had been preparing for this day for weeks.
Until around 6 pm the demonstrators continued to take the streets , marching, chanting, shouting at the police, “No Justice, No Peace!”, ” CPD, what do you say? How Many Kids Did You Kill Today?” “Black Lives Matter, Justice for Brandon, Justice for Tamir, Justice for Tanisha, Justice for Malissa, Justice for Timothy, Justice for Walter…”
It was a great day, with many new people participation in the struggle.
Ferguson @chambers2
Houston April 12. SHUT IT DOWN #A14! pic.twitter.com/2L8munNfvT
— frankharper (@frankharper) April 14, 2015
Sather Gate is shut down at @UCBerkeley. #a14 #BlackLivesMatter pic.twitter.com/7xJlzZCtnR
— BLyfe (@BlakeDontCrack) April 14, 2015
Los Angeles
High school students coming out in LA
Dozens of protesters determined to keep shutting it down on A14 to STOP police murder stayed in the LA Downtown area through rush hour. Twenty of them sat down in a very busy intersection downtown stopping the blue line metro train, backing up street and freeway traffic for over an hour. The LAPD has threatened them with felony charges, high bail and keeping them locked up through Thursday. This is intolerable! Call to demand their immediate release and for all charges to be dropped! Call LA Central Division 213.486.6606. In addition, four UCLA students stopped traffic on the 405 Freeway offramp earlier today. Call Century Regional Detention Center at 323.568.4000 and West Hollywood Sherriff’s at 310.855.8850 to demand their immediate release with all charges dropped.
Photo: Los Angeles—blocking the train.
Big #A14 protest in downtown Seattle. Three blocks shut down in the heart of downtown. #A14ShutDown pic.twitter.com/hpMf9feScX
— Tom Vasquez (@TVasquez) April 14, 2015
#A14 in #Seattle. Westlake Square. pic.twitter.com/4JwyUgGCw5
— Dark Are The Days (@LovDancSubvrt) April 14, 2015
Cops violently pushing protestors back to keep people from taking the freeway in Oakland. #a14 pic.twitter.com/0LQkhnUOFm
— wongofu (@wongofu) April 14, 2015