Annual Rosa Parks Human Rights Day Event- Ceremony and Reenactment
Tomorrow, December 1st at 12:30PM, the Rosa Parks Coalition and and Peoples Assembly remember the day in 1955 that Rosa Parks started the next phase of the freedom movement that eventually ended segregation in the south. This is part of the build up to International Human Rights Day on Dec 10th.

December 1, 1955: Rosa Parks arrested in Montgomery
December 1 marks the 55th anniversary of a notable event that occurred in 1955 when Rosa Parks was arrested for refusing to give up her seat on a bus in Montgomery, Alabama. Her quiet defiance resonated down the corridors of time…
WHAT: Annual Rosa Parks Human Rights Day Event- Ceremony and Reenactment
WHEN: Sunday December 1 (tomorrow) 12:30pm
WHERE: Troy Street in Olneyville Providence intersec
Why: This act of civil disobedience is widely considered the start of the civil rights movement in America. This was the start of the Montgomery bus boycott.
Contact: Bill Bateman 401-481-66
Rosa Parks Event Announcement Video (includes map)