This is not somewhere else.
This is America.
Over 3000 children were separated from their parents at the border. They live in cages. Sleep on the floor. They cry out and are not comforted.
They’ve spent an average of 154 days away from their parents. They’ve been shuttled around between 17 different states. They sleep under $0.68 blankets in freezing temperatures.
This is not history. This is happening now. Hundreds more have been separated. 6 children have died.
#NoKidsInCages is about the children. We cannot be a nation that separates families.
For those who’ve forgotten, it’s time to remember and raise our voices. For those who didn’t know, it’s time to understand the plight of these innocent children.
SHARE their stories online.
ACT by telling Congress to pass Bill HR-541 – Keep Families Together Act.
And SUPPORT organizations that are fighting to save and reunite children separated at our border.
We’re supporting RAICES, an organization on the frontlines providing free and low-cost legal & social services to immigrant children, families, and refugees. You can donate to them below.
Sharing is an act of protest.