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Open Letter To The United Nations As Trump Scheduled To Chair Security Council Meeting

Note: President Trump heads to the United Nations this week to chair a Security Council meeting where he plans to criticize Iran and generate Security Council support for actions against Iran. This is likely to turn into an embarrassment for the United States. Previous attempts by the US on Iran have backfired as nations rally to support the nation against US attacks.

The open letter below raises many issues about the US role in the world e.g. recent efforts to undermine the government of Nicaragua, torture, militarism around the world and creating an unstable economy. More issues could be added, e.g. the economic blockade and regime change attacks on Venezuela, the economic blockade and threats of war against Iran, the destruction of Libya and war in Syria. The US-supported coup in Ukraine. The Bush-era wars against Iraq and Afghanistan continue and neither is legal under international law. US war games designed to threaten other nations are acts of aggression that the UN should condemn. The letter calls for the UN to take action to reign in the United States and end its attempts to dominate the world.

We publish this letter not to agree with everything said in it, but to show the kind of anger many hold against the United States for decades of domination. More people in the United States are calling for aid from countries around the world to stop our government from its extreme militarism, spying and abuse of power.  KZ

Update: William Edstrom has challenging Internet connections and asked me to add the following additional information:

I have received comments, the most common questions I have received have been about the rockets and grenades followed by questions about donations to the guys at the barricades (in May and June 2018).
Each barricade had a donation cup (often like a 2 liter or 3 liter bottle of soda cut in half with the word donations on it in Spanish) and at many barricades, the guy would shake the donation cup at people trying to pass …. and often it was a wait of an hour or so for people to pass if they did not donate and people who did donate would quickly get passed through the barricades. (This is something that everyone in Nicaragua knows, but few people outside of Nicaragua know).
A couple of paragraphs I want to insert into the article, if I may please, is about the rockets and grenades
 The explosives (e.g. gunpowder, TNT) and fuses were illegally trafficked by US secret police perps from Honduras on dirt roads into Nicaragua´s RAAN province (e.g. to the Waslala area, to the Siuna area, etc.), then shipped throughout Nicaragua (e.g. to Managua, to Masaya, etc.) and provided free of charge to US secret police perps (and their useful idiots) to make homemade rockets and homemade grenades (aka compact bombs) to attack, wound and murder Nicaraguan police officers, other Nicaraguan government officials and Sandanistas. A re-sale market then developed with homemade rockets selling for 100 to 150 Cordobas and homemade grenades selling for 25 to 30 Cordobas.
(The Canadian government has drones constantly scanning their borders to detect trafficking and what not.)
The above two paragraphs are highly significant, in my opinion, and have been the number one comment I have received. I have been unable to access Word or the original manuscript since Saturday, so have been unable to insert these two paragraphs in yet.

September 21, 2018

Dear UN General Secretary and UN Ambassadors,

Re: Call for debate, hearings and voting on an effective plan of action against various United States (US) government crimes of global significance

I am writing to request that both the 1) member states of the General Assembly and 2) member states of the Security Council hold hearings, debate and vote on an effective plan of action against various crimes that have been committed by people working for the government of the US that are of significance to the global community.

These crimes include:

  1. The US governments current (2018) attempts to overthrow the democratically elected government of Nicaragua
  2. US government interventionist policies and practices into the internal affairs of most of the member states of the UN (i.e. the US governments long history of being the #1 global bully on Earth)
  3. The US governments ascendancy to having become the #1 violator of human rights globally and
  4. The Global Zersetzung (aka Global Surveillance State) program of the US secret police (e.g. NSA, CIA, FBI, DEA, DIA, NRO, etc.).

In April 2018, elements of the US government (e.g. NSA, CIA) began attempts to overthrow the democratically elected government of Nicaragua. I have been in Nicaragua from March 2018 to present (i.e. September 2018) and have been a direct eyewitness to US government attempts to overthrow the democratically elected government of Nicaragua.

US secret police operatives have incited riots, provoked killings and paid for the highways and roads in Nicaragua to become barricaded to obstruct transportation.

The US secret police perpetrators (“perps,” criminals) recruited former Nicaraguan Dictator Samoza as a CIA agent. US secret police perps paid, trained and directed Dictator Samoza and his armed forces to attack Guanacaste Province (now part of Costa Rica).

Repeated attacks by CIA agent Dictator Samoza and his CIA directed armed forces into Guanacaste resulted in the murders of thousands of innocent civilians (mostly women and children).(During this same time period, the CIA also overthrew the government of Indonesia resulting in the murders of approximately 3,000,000 innocent civilians (mostly women and children) in Indonesia.) Many crimes committed by US secret police operatives against literally dozens of member states of the UN are overviewed in a book titled “Killing Hope” authored by William Blum.

CIA dictator Samoza, his secret police and armed forces murdered thousands of his own people, innocent Nicaraguans, on orders from his US government handlers while maintaining Nicaragua as one of the poorest nations on Earth. (The US secret police find it easier to dictate over and enslave poor uneducated people meaning nations that are poor with many uneducated people – two hallmarks indicative of nations that are CIA colonies – are a widespread and pervasive phenomena on our planet.)

When the CIAs dictator Samoza finally fled Nicaragua – to a CIA safe house (a mansion in Miami) – Samoza fled with $900,000,000 in money looted from the Nicaraguan government Treasury, while the average Nicaraguan worker earned approximately $600 a year (approximately $50 a month) in what was one of the most under-developed nations on Earth where most people did not have access to clean drinking water, where most people did not have access to healthcare, where most people did not live on paved roads, where most people did not have indoor plumbing or electricity and where most people were illiterate.

The CIAs has been dictator Samoza was later killed. Apparently, the CIA was uninterested or unable or unwilling to protect their has been CIA agent, former CIA agent and Nicaraguan Dictator Samoza.

Then came the 1980s. Oliver North. The Iran Contra weapons scandal. The Boland Amendment passed into law by the US Congress outlawing anyone working for the US government from helping (funding, training, etc.) either side in the Nicaraguan civil war between the democratically elected Sandanista government and CIA mercenaries known as the Nicaraguan Contras. The Boland Amendment has not been rescinded. The Boland Amendment remains in effect.

Then came the CIAs crack cocaine for Contra arms trading. The CIA imported and sold billions of dollars of crack cocaine in the US and used the money to pay for weapons for the Contras in gross violation of both US and international law.

A crack cocaine epidemic resulted in the US resulting in the murders of tens of thousands of Americans (e.g. from fatal heart attacks and strokes from crack cocaine overdoses, Americans robbed and murdered by crackheads craving their next hit of CIA imported crack cocaine).

Gary Webb, a press reporter for the San Jose Mercury News accurately reported on the US governments secret police crack cocaine for Contra arms trade. The US secret police then did zersetzung on Gary Webb, destroying his life and making his life into a living hell 24/7 before he was brutally tortured and shot twice in the head.A US secret police sponsored coroner ruled that Mr. Webbs brutal torture and both gunshot wounds to his head were clear evidence of suicide.

Michael Hastings is a more recent example of an American press reporter that the US secret police did zersetzung crimes against before they brutally murdered him by hacking his new car. The US has dropped from top 10 for press freedom in the 1980s to #45 as of 2017.

Julian Assange is yet another example of the US governments expanding war on freedom of the press.

In Nicaragua, approximately 100,000 Nicaraguans were murdered, more than 100,000 Nicaraguans were permanently disabled and hundreds of thousands of Nicaraguans became refugees.Nicaragua was destroyed for ten years due to the US secret police sponsored and directed civil war (1980 to 1990) in the US secret polices attempt to overthrow the democratically elected Sandinista government of Nicaragua in violation of both US law and international law.

In April 2018, the US secret police (again) began an attempt to overthrow the democratically re-elected Sandinista government.

In November 2016, Daniel Ortega earned 70% of the vote in free, fair and democratic elections in Nicaragua.

In November 2016 elections in the US, in contrast, Hillary Clinton got 48% of the vote and Donald Trump got 46% of the vote. Who exactly should be lecturing who about democracy?The US secret police recruited thousands of Nicaraguans to become US secret police informants and agents while simultaneously placing thousands of North Americans in Nicaragua as US secret police operatives (e.g. fake tourists, fake business people, fake pastors, fake priests, fake Christians (fake Jehovah Witnesses, fake Mormons, etc.), fake missionaries, fake retirees, fake charity workers, fake English teachers, fake human rights workers, fake NGO workers, fake medical workers, fake volunteers and so forth).

Many Nicaraguans recruited (bribed or seduced or both) were naive and impressionable university students, many were Nicaraguan prostitutes who will do anything that their US secret police handlers pay them to do and many were naive, impressionable high school drop outs, poor, unemployed or under-employed.

(Note, industrialization in Nicaragua, the construction of 12,000 factories over the next few years would bring an end to the issue of unemployed and under-employed Nicaraguans.)

And the US secret police handlers instructed their US secret police operatives to barricade the highways and roads so that no motor vehicles could get through, so that people could not get to work, so that food trucks could not get to food stores, so that food stores became completely empty of any food, so that people in Nicaragua would starve to death.The US secret police stuffed knapsacks full of Nicaraguan cash (Cordobas) and dispatched Nicaraguans working for the US secret police to go barricade after barricade after barricade making large “donations” of US secret police money laundered cash at the barricades. Then the US secret police dispatched more (mostly) Nicaraguan US secret police perps with knapsacks full of cash to make more and more large cash “donations” at each barricade throughout the day.

By the end of the day, the guys at the barricades had 5,000 or 10,000 or more Cordobas in cash (i.e. more money than they could earn at a legitimate job) in an effort by the US secret police to keep the roads and highways blocked and barricaded as long as possible (so that Nicaraguans could not get to work, so that food trucks could not get to food stores, so that gasoline trucks could not get to gasoline stations, so that food stores became completely empty of food …. so that people in Nicaragua would starve to death).

At night, US secret police handlers recruited, trained and dispatched legions of US secret police prostitutes (mostly Nicaraguans) to the barricades to entertain the guys at the barricades, to have sex free of charge with the guys at the barricades, to encourage the guys at the barricades to continue the barricades as long as possible, to repeat (and repeat, enthusiastically) things to the guys at the barricades things like barricades are freedom, inciting riots is liberty and provoking killings is democracy.

And to find out as much as possible as they could about the guys at the barricades who they did not know already.  About 95% of the US secret police perps in Nicaragua are Nicaraguans.

(Several people working for the Nicaraguan government actually brag openly that the US secret police perps pay them more than the Nicaraguan government pays them, so they work for the US secret police perps (the highest bidder) instead).

Nicaraguan mobile phones come with free Facebook time 24/7 and free WhatsApp 24/7, both Facebook and WhatsApp are US secret police front companies, but phone service and internet service are actually too expensive for most Nicaraguans.

Marches and demonstrations to try to overthrow the democratically elected government of Nicaragua were planned and organized by US secret police (e.g. CIA, NSA) handlers and US secret police perps on WhatsApp and Facebook which are – what a coincidence! – free on all Nicaraguan cell phones.

Once the marches and demonstrations were underway (along with plenty of US secret police provided free food, beverages, beer, cigarettes, drugs, etc. – remember Victoria Nuland passing out free cookies and free sandwiches in the Ukraine just a few short years ago), then US secret police agitators agitated the mobs and incited riots.

US secret police perps taught naive and impressionable Nicaraguans (mostly  young men, mostly poor, unemployed or under-employed) how to gather rocks and throw rocks, how to cut metal piping into handheld size metal pipes for violent attacks, how to make homemade rocket launchers, homemade rockets and how to shoot homemade rockets.

The most naïve and impressionable Nicaraguans were engulfed by swarms of US secret police perps and US secret police prostitutes (approximately 95% of the US secret police operatives in Nicaragua are Nicaraguans) who then egged on and encouraged these guys to shoot rockets directly at the Nicaraguan police, knowing full well that the police (in any country) will shoot back at anyone shooting rockets directly at them.

When the police (in any country) shoot, they are not shooting to wound, they are shooting to kill.
Amazingly, in a majority of situations when perps shot rockets at the Nicaraguan police, the police ducked, moved away, backed off or left and did not shoot back.

Many Nicaraguan police officers were wounded or killed when US secret police perps (and their many useful idiots, useful to their US secret police handlers, but too idiotic to realize their US secret police handlers are their US secret police handlers) shot rockets at the Nicaraguan police.

About 500 people were killed in Nicaragua, April to August 2018. Close to half of the Nicaraguans killed were Nicaraguan police officers, fire fighters, other Nicaraguan government officials and Sandinista (the Sandinista FSLN party earned 70% of the vote in free, fair and democratic elections in November 2016).

In brief, this is how the US secret police barricaded the roads, organized demonstrations, incited riots, provoked killings, caused a significant decrease to the Nicaraguan economy, caused hunger such that tens of thousands of people in Nicaragua go to sleep hungry on any given night, caused unemployment to increase (by approximately 5% to 10%), caused a decline in the earnings to many Nicaraguans still employed …. this is, in brief, how US secret police perps (their handlers and their many useful idiots) have attempted to overthrow the democratically elected government of Nicaragua in 2018.

Now, September 2018, reports are coming in that the US secret police perps are busy trafficking arms into Nicaragua from Honduras (and to a lesser extent from Costa Rica as well) and how the US secret police are organizing and training militias (US secret police mercenaries) in rural regions of NicaraguaAs if the US secret police perps are planning to do (or at least try to do) a civil war in Nicaragua. Again.

Like the civil war and coup that the US secret police did in Libya earlier this decade or like the civil war and coup attempt the US secret police perps have been doing in Syria for years now.

The United Nations can and should do an impartial and complete investigation of the US government’s attempt to overthrow the democratically elected government of Nicaragua. Both the General Assembly and Security Council should debate the real and verifiable facts regarding this US government attempt to overthrow the democratically elected of Nicaragua and – at a minimum – the US secret police perps (criminals) responsible should be condemned by both the General Assembly and Security Council.

Point 2.</span

The US government has rigged elections, attempted to rig elections, overthrown sovereign elected governments or attempted to overthrow sovereign elected governments, caused civil wars or attempted to cause civil wars or has directly attacked and invaded a majority of the nations in the UN General Assembly. These facts need to be investigated and debated by both the General Assembly and Security Council and – at a minimum – the US government needs to be condemned and rebuked for these criminal interventionist policies and practices into the internal affairs of the majority of sovereign nations in the General Assembly.

One such criminal interventionist action by the US government against the elected government of Afghanistan was a war for heroin done by the US government against the sovereign elected government of Afghanistan (This lingering war began in 2001 and is still lingering on because of all the money the US secret police perps are making off the Afghan heroin trade (2001 to present).

The largest ever illicit drug epidemic to strike our planet is this current epidemic of Afghan heroin – which is because of the US government´s war for heroin in Afghanistan that began in 2001. See ¨Heroin Dealer in Chief¨at for more on this US government interventionist crime into the internal affairs of yet another sovereign nation (i.e. Afghanistan) from 2001 to present (i.e. 2018).

Point 3.

The US government is the number 1 human rights violator on Earth (2001 to present). Since September 2001, when the US government began it’s seemingly endless war on terror, the US government has also become the number one human rights violator on Earth. Number 1 for torture complete with an archipelago of torture camps around the US (e.g. the Little Guantanamo torture camp in Lower Manhattan, New York about 250 meters from the NYPD police headquarters, Charleston brig in Charleston, South Carolina, Florence torture camp in Colorado, the Pelican Bay torture camp in California, etc.) and around the world (e.g. the torture camp in Occupied Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, Bagram Air Force Base torture camp in Afghanistan, etc.).

Waterboarding, sleep deprivation torture, confined space torture (nailing torture victims into coffins filled with bugs and spiders), gang raping men with dogs, raping women to death with horses, stacking naked prisoners in human pyramids, stuffing naked torture victims into minus 20 degree cold rooms for hours. Murdering torture victims and trying to make the murders appear to be suicides. The list of tortures goes on and on. The UN (both the Security Council and General Assembly) simply needs to investigate, debate and condemn the US government for literally millions of torture crimes they have committed this century, so far.

The recent appointment of the Queen of Torture as the new CIA Director will simply add to the US government´s long list of human rights violations piled high up to the heavens.

Simply seek out what exactly are their millions of instances of human rights violations and you will find.

The US secret police perps have mass murdered millions of innocent people (Americans and non-Americans) mostly women and children, each and every decade since the 1950s. Tens of millions of liters of blood shed because of the US secret police perps have over saturated the Earth and are demanding justice.</span

Point 4

The US secret police´s Zersetzung in America program has expanded to a Global Zersetzung program (aka the Global Surveillance State). The US secret police are currently (2018) targeting 5 million Americans for zersetzung, more than 5 million non-Americans for zersetzung, tens of thousands of groups (e.g. political parties, labor unions, activist groups, newspapers, press sites, etc.) as well as having targeted over 100 nations for zersetzung.

Zersetzung is when the US secret police pick on a target, gang up on a target, destroy a target´s life (or at least try to destroy a target´s life), make a target´s life into a living hell 24-7 (or at least try to make a target´s life into a living hell 24-7), try to make the target as isolated as possible, trash talk the target, harass and terrorize the target, try to make the target as poor as possible. And worse.

The US secret police´s abuse of the internet, social media and telecommunications.

The US secret police´s attempts to have absolute power over absolutely everyone on Earth (by bribing and seducing many people and by doing zersetzung on many (many) other people).

Perhaps the most compelling imperative for the UN (both General Assembly and Security Council) to debate and to decide on a plan of action is because of the US government´s colossal debts (over $100 trillion owed 2017 to 2027 in municipal, state and US national debt plus tens of trillions of US dollars owed in pension debts) during a decade (2017 to 2027) when government in the USA will receive about $40 trillion in revenues from taxes and tariffs.

The US government will have a debt collapse. The US government will come to financial ruin imminently. The US governments policies and practices (e.g. their Global Surveillance State, endless war, about $1.5 trillion per year on the worlds costliest healthcare – and one of the worst healthcare systems – plus hundreds of trillions of dollars in outstanding financial derivatives liabilities on Wall Street mean the US government will come to financial ruin prior to 2027 and quite possibly prior to 2020.

How will the US governments vast arsenal of both nuclear and biological weapons be secured during the ultimate financial collapse and fall of the government of the United States of America.

Germany came to financial ruin in the 1920s due to too much debt from war, followed by hyperinflation, a worthless Deutsch Mark, hyper-unemployment, then Hitler came to power then World War 2. The League of Nations proved to be ineffective in preventing world war from happening again in 1939, when there were no nuclear weapons and when biological weapons were primitive (e.g. such as those used by Unit 37 of the Japanese Imperial Army in the 1930s and 1940s).

The UN cannot fail as the League of Nations did. The nations of the world need to unite to develop an effective and enforceable plan to contain the US governments vast arsenal of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMDs) during the US governments impending financial collapse. The nations of the world need to be united in addressing and correcting US government crimes (e.g. their attempts to overthrow the democratically elected government of Nicaragua, the US governments extensive and criminal interventionist policies into the internal affairs of most UN member nations, pervasive and wanton human rights crimes continually  bring committed by people working for the US government, endless war by the US government against other nations and the US governments Global Zersetzung (aka Global Surveillance State) program. The most compelling imperative is for UN member nations to develop debate and implement a plan to contain the US governments vast arsenal of WMDs during the US governments imminent debt collapse.

If the UN fails to develop and implement an effective plan to contain US government WMDs when the US government comes to financial ruin (its ultimate financial collapse, debt collapse) then the UN will go the way of the League of Nations, history will repeat and there will be world war again.

If the member states of the UN can unite to address and correct US government crimes and to develop and implement an effective and enforceable plan to contain US government WMDs during the US governments imminent debt collapse, then the UN, God willing, will save the world.

The US government has become heavily infiltrated with criminals. The US government is a swamp full of swamp creatures and the US government is unable (or unwilling) to police itself. We need to drain that swamp, the many (many) criminals who have infiltrated into the government of the USA need to be held fully accountable and brought to justice (convicted, imprisoned for their crimes against nature, their crimes against humanity, their war crimes and their many other crimes).

Of all threats, foreign and domestic to we the people of the USA, the US government is the number one threat to we the people of the USA. Of all threats to humankind, the US government is the number one threat to all of humankind, yourself included.

Please feel free to read a trilogy of articles I authored about how the US government is beyond the point of no return on their path to financial ruin. Please also feel free to read American Bioweaponry, a news column authored about the US governments plans for when the US government comes to financial ruin. These news reports are freely available on the internet.

Thank you in advance for your consideration to my message. Godspeed.

William Curtis Edstrom
Freelance journalist
2014 candidate for US Congress
Granada, Nicaragua

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