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When They Tell You About Their Own, Believe Them

There are periods in history… epochs, distinctive periods in time marked by notable events, that in many instances signal change. Columbus stumbling upon the Americas where Indigenous peoples had been living for thousands of years. The French Revolution, the Industrial Revolution, the invention of the semiconductor, WWII, the Civil Rights era, etc. In many instances, one may not realize that they’re living in the historic moment. It’s only upon reflection that you realize the significance of the time. There are other periods, I call them Oppenheimer moments, where you know that you are in the moment.

Democratic Party Collusion, Race Baiting, And Death By Austerity

“You’re watching the Super Bowl next week. Wait till Trump’s tariffs raise your pizza prices.” - Senator Chuck Schumer , leader of the Democratic Party opposition President Donald Trump is certainly a man of his authoritarian word. As he promised on the campaign trail he is very serious about changing the nature of the U.S. government, the U.S. role in the world, and promoting white nationalist sentiment. While he carries out unconstitutional and possibly illegal acts, Democratic Party leaders have been AWOL, stunned into silence as Trump has thus far chosen not to utilize the back room deal making they are accustomed to and moves ahead unilaterally with budget cuts, personnel cuts, and the elimination of entire agencies, circumventing congressional prerogatives as he goes.

A Third Party Perspective On The Rightward Lurch Of The US Body Politic

The chickens that the Democrats hatched in 2016 came home to roost in 2024. Back then, the Democratic National Committee (DNC), representing the party’s establishment, promoted Donald Trump as the Republican nominee. They thought him to be an easy mark who would be opposed by both the Republican Party establishment and most US voters. That stratagem turned out to be correct about the Republican establishment but wrong about the electorate. In any case, Trump went on to not only capture the GOP but the archaic Electoral College as well.

Leftists Say ‘Vote For Democrats Because They’re Easier To Protest’

Ever since the 2004 election, which pit Bush and Cheney, the butchers of Iraq, against then Sen. John John F. Kerry, who wanted to escalate the Iraq War, it’s been an article of faith on the left that you should “vote for the candidate you want to protest.” This means voting for the Democrat. The idea is activists have an easier time pushing a Democratic president to the left than a Republican one. There is also less political repression under Democrats, and people are more open to organizing in periods of hope than in moments of when they are being attacked by right-wing forces.

The Case For Abandoning The Burning House

Currently, the staunchest of Black liberals are demanding their community and its allies disregard the interests of Palestinians by way of voting for their butchers under the guise of sparing Black and other marginalized people from their domestic antagonist, Donald Trump. In doing so they are ignoring the many crises already plaguing these communities, under Democratic leadership on both the state and federal level. 2023 was one of the deadliest years for police violence, homelessness continues to skyrocket, and the Biden administration continued the American presidential legacy of ruthlessly starving, bombing, and destabilizing multiple countries—including Cuba, Palestine, Libya, Somalia, and Lebanon.

Who Should Be The Next Emperor Of The Violent Global Imperium?

As US voters go to the polls on November 5th, they need to remind themselves that when the US elects its next domestic president, it is also selecting the emperor of a violent, global imperium.  Choices made over sundry domestic issues have far reaching effects, far beyond local pocketbook or civil rights issues.  They determine who lives and dies across the planet, and how much pain, harm and suffering the rest of the world will have to bear. In this context, it's fair to ask, who is the lesser evil?   Trump or Harris? The answer, of course, is "neither".  Like infinity, when it comes to evil, there's not much use in finger-counting which is greater or lesser. 

Portents Of Chaos

Uh-oh. The New York Times is picking up its familiar theme now that the Nov. 5 elections are but a few days out front: Those mal-intended foreigners are again “sowing discord and chaos in hopes of discrediting American democracy,” it reported in a piece published Tuesday. The Beelzebubs haunting this political season, when everything would otherwise be orderly and altogether copacetic among Americans, are Russia, China and Iran. Why can’t this year’s version of the old, reliable “Axis of Evil” leave us alone with our “democratic process,” the one the rest of the world envies and resents?

The Crisis Of The Neoliberal University

This past year in the U.S., a new chapter in class struggle has been written. Students, many from the Palestinian diaspora, anti-Zionist Jewish people, leftists, and people of conscience of all stripes have stood up against the genocide in Gaza. They have built encampments and questioned universities that run like businesses with investments in Israel. They have faced off the repression of university administrators while unmasking the imperialist character of both the Democrats and Republicans in office who help to send the police to beat up students and workers.

Cuba Under Intensified US Sanctions Confronts Its Greatest Challenge

Despite draconian coercive measures by the US – overwhelmingly condemned every year by the UN General Assembly, with the next vote slated for October 29-30 – the Cuban Revolution has had extraordinary successes. This small, impoverished, formerly colonized island nation has achieved levels of education, medical services, and performance in many other fields, including sports, that rival the first world, through the application of socialist principles. Cuba has rightly become a model of internationalism and an exemplar of socialism. As a consequence, every US administration for over six decades has targeted this “threat of a good example.”

The Most Important US Presidential Election Of Our Lifetime

Left-liberals plea every four years that this really is the most important election ever and time to hold our noses and send a Democrat to the White House. The manifest destiny of US world leadership, we are told, is at stake, as is our precious democracy which we have so generously been exporting abroad. Let’s leave aside the existential threats of climate change or nuclear war. However important, these issues are not on the November 5 ballot. Nor are they addressed in even minimally meaningful ways by the platforms of either of the major parties.

Eating Pets Or Devouring Sovereignty? Notes On Anti-Haitian Racism

The anti-Haitian utterances by the Republican presidential ticket unleashed an avalanche of racist memes and jokes about Haitians, Haitian migrants, and US citizens of Haitian descent. It began with Ohio senator and Vice Presidential candidate JD Vance’s tweet claiming – falsely – that “Haitian illegal immigrants” were “draining social services and generally causing chaos all over Springfield, Ohio.” Vance continued the lie by asserting, “Reports now show that people have had their pets abducted and eaten by people who shouldn't be in this country.” Donald Trump was quick to follow up and double down on Vance’s slanderous comments.

The ‘War Party’ Makes Its Plans

The Biden White House and the Democratic Party machine trying to advance Kamala Harris from No. 2 in the regime to No. 1 gets more interesting by the week, I have to say. The Harris campaign has at last, two months after the party’s elites and financiers railroaded her candidacy past any semblance of a democratic process, published a platform it calls A New Way Forward, and I will get to this in due course. I am less interested now in words posted on a website than in two recent developments we ought to consider together even if no one has yet thought to do so. Slowly and very surely, it becomes clear by way of these weekly turns how a new Democratic regime, should Harris win on Nov. 5, proposes to manage the imperium’s business.

Electoral Politics Are Not The Way Forward For The Palestine Movement

Seldom have causes defined the Left within the United States like the fight for Palestinian liberation. Palestine sits at the intersection of myriad struggles ranging from anti-imperialism, anti-colonialism, anti-racism, LGBTQ+ liberation, labor justice, environmental justice, and more. This struggle, one that has been waged globally for decades, and in the United States, has remained a contentious issue across the political spectrum – an issue plagued with accusations of antisemitism, Islamophobia, and deeply ingrained chauvinism. The Left has not been spared amid that contention. This is far from surprising. After all, the Left in the United States is far from monolithic, nor are those who consider themselves a part of it immune from the upholding of colonial rhetoric and belief systems, analytical shortcomings, chauvinism – the list goes on.

The Second First Presidential Debate

Nearly all public polls in the USA today, and since the beginning of 2024, show that the number #1 issue for American voters is the condition of the economy. But listening to the debate this evening one would have heard little discussion about it—and even less about solutions—from either candidate. The ABC moderators started off the discussion with what one hoped would have set a positive tone for the debate in that regard. They actually said the number 1 issue was the economy and cost of living and challenged both candidates with the appropriate phrase: “Is the economy better off today than four years ago!”

Harris And Trump Debate Maintenance Of The Status Quo

The United States' decline under oligarchic rule is brutally exposed every four years, as the duopoly parties differ on fewer issues and agree that the people’s needs stay far away from the political agenda. The 2024 election is no different, as the quality of candidates continues its downward trajectory with a former president who is hated by half the country but beloved by millions more running against a current vice president that no one voted for as a presidential candidate. Their September 10 debate was highly anticipated but not for very good reasons. Kamala Harris entered the debate one day after finally putting cursory policy platform information on her website which had nothing but merchandise for sale and donation buttons for fifty days.

Urgent End Of Year Fundraising Campaign

Online donations are back! Keep independent media alive. 

Due to the attacks on our fiscal sponsor, we were unable to raise funds online for nearly two years.  As the bills pile up, your help is needed now to cover the monthly costs of operating Popular Resistance.

Urgent End Of Year Fundraising Campaign

Online donations are back! 

Keep independent media alive. 

Due to the attacks on our fiscal sponsor, we were unable to raise funds online for nearly two years.  As the bills pile up, your help is needed now to cover the monthly costs of operating Popular Resistance.

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