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Occupy’s Puppets: Tweaking the Noses of the Trans-Pacific Partnership

Methinks there is something good afoot.  Or, “a-string,” as it were.  The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) – and the government and business interests behind a trade deal to be fast tracked into law in October without debate or amendment – is about to receive some unwanted publicity.

This coming September 17 in NYC’s famous Times Square on the second birthday of Occupy Wall Street, Occupier/Activist performers will take on the infamous TPP in a Star Wars-themed protest called Money Warz.  The Trans-Pacific Partnership will be portrayed as the “TPP Death Star” – a 15-foot-tall replica of a toilet paper roll (get it – TPP?).

The supporting cast for this “Money Warz” spectacle will feature over 200 performers, videographers, livestreamers and citizen media folk.  They will appear at public-shaming rallies to be held at select corporate headquarters, banks congressional offices, and on Wall Street itself.  That is, if they can get past the barricades manned by NYC’s Finest who serve to separate the 1% from the 99%.

Why the fuss?  Who are the “Money Warz” people, why that theme, and what is the purpose?  This was asked of OWS veterans Ted Hall, Elliot Crown and Virginia Simson doing the media outreach.

“The ‘fuss’ part is very simple,” declares Elliot.  “The TPP is touted as a ‘high-standard’ agreement specifically aimed at emerging trade issues in a dozen countries, including the U.S., Canada, Japan and Mexico.”

And, he sets off the alarm:  “Actually, the secret deal will formalize corporate rule over 40% of the global economy.  The media, and even elected officials ordinarily tasked with creating trade rules, are uninvited.  We only know its contents from leaks.”

This is no more than ‘Nafta on steroids’ – 600 corporations and their bought-and-paid-for government supporters clandestinely forging an agreement to meet the goal of controlling a country’s resources and workers.  Local laws, courtrooms and the general welfare be damned.”

“We came up with the idea to parody Star Wars as our theme…naming it ‘Money Warz,’ adds Crown.  “Our caricatures of Star Wars characters – Darth Banker, Princess Laid Off, Jebba the GMO, Emperor Pipeline, the Money Troopers, translate well into contemporary history.”

“At the mid-point of our Times Square spectacular, the ‘good guys,’ i.e., the Open Alliance characters, will kidnap the TPP Death Star and jump in waiting pedicabs to make their escape.  As might be expected, the Money Troopers will be in hot pursuit.”

“At stops along the way, performers mummified in toilet paper and wearing identifying Photo Faces masks will represent actual conspirators in these secret negotiations.  The show concludes at Wall Street when the pedicab arrives carrying the hijacked TPP Death Star and our Open Alliance heroes.”

Any notable stars?  “Yes,” Crown beams, “Noam Chomsky graciously joined us in a photo op as Chomsky Wan Kenobi for his grand kids.”

Like any other “big show” on Broadway, Star Warz is facing the classic challenge –producers need funding.  Will the initial puppet-masters get a taste of their own medicine?  Will the “TPP Death Star” paraded about Times Square on the 2nd Birthday of Occupy Wall Street counter the incessant propaganda of Main Stream Media?

Those wanting to back this show are invited to visit their Kickstarter site, view their videos of past shows ( and help them blow past their current financial goals and effectively support Money Warz in exposing Wall Street and winning a few “Tony’s.”

Well, maybe not Tony’s, but at least the gratitude of American citizens who might never experience or hear the anti-corporate side of the TPP story.

Want to contact them?  Support them?  Use, find them on twitter as @moneytroopers, and locate them via hashtags #moneywarz and #S17, #OWS, #TPP.

Better yet, show up in NYC on 9/17/13 to celebrate Occupy’s Second Birthday and to get their autographs. And, enjoy a big slice of Occupy’s Birthday Cake.