DC activists helped kick off SOA Watch’s poster campaign to remember the martyrs and expose the killers. On Wednesday, May 14, a group of about a dozen activists came together to paste up a giant mural on the streets of the Adams Morgan neighborhood of Washington, DC.
Though the activists were peaceful in their actions, DC police decided that political art was unacceptable in the district. After the artwork was completed, four of the activists were handcuffed, arrested and held for 6 hours before being charged with “defacing public or private property.” The charge carries a maximum penalty of 6 months in prison and a $1,000 fine. SOA Watch activists Dominique Diaddigo-Cash, Gail Taylor, Maria Luisa Rosal and Nico Udu-gama will be arraigned in US Superior Court on June 5, 2014. The best way to stand in solidarity with the targeted activists, and to push back against the criminalization of dissent, is to keep up the resistance: SOAW.org/poster
Music: “Somos Sur” by Ana Tijoux
Demand that the US Attorney’s Office drop the charges against our people!
Visit SOAW.org/action to send a message to US District Attorney Ron Machen to say that art is not a crime. Our message is too powerful to be locked behind bars. Let’s take this negative energy and transform it, and decorate our cities with powerful art to create a culture of justice, dignity, and peace. Visit SOAW.org/poster to download the posters today and send a picture to info@soaw.org when you put it up in your town!
Can you pitch in $20 to help pay for the legal support work and the printing of new mural posters?
Please visit SOAW.org/support to make your contribution.
You can jail the resisters, but you can’t jail the resistance!