The video below was researched, written and produced by students in the Medea Creek Middle School Economics Club from the Oak Park Unified School District in Southern California. According to the school’s website, the students meet weekly “to develop and use their skills and knowledge in multiple content areas, especially mathematics and social studies.”
Here is more information from their website about the club and this video:
We discuss many issues and events from both the present and the past that relate to the economy of our country and the world. Some of the topics we have covered are: the role of money, the creation of money, international trade, banking, banking laws, fractional reserve lending, odious debt, multinational corporations, international trade, bailouts and bail-in,s austerity & privatization, digital currency and much more.
Congratulations to the 2014 economics club. After they arranged and completed an interview with former economic hit-man John Perkins, they wrote, directed, filmed and edited a successful submission for the C-SPAN documentary contest. Despite not placing in the C-SPAN competition, they received praise for their work from former assistant secretary of the treasury and editor of the wall st. journal Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, journalist and author Nomi Prins, and investigative journalist James Corbett. They even had requests from citizens in foreign countries to release it in different languages.
When this video was brought to our attention, we thought it would be important to share it with our readers. The students explain the current economic and political environment in a clear and concise manner that people of all ages will appreciate. And they put forth a positive solution. They are role models for other students and teachers who might also want to research what is going on in order to understand the challenges we face and to find solutions to those challenges.
Congratulations Medea Creek Economics Club – Popular Resistance applauds you!