Frack Free Fridays got off to a great start this morning with coverage on WFAA’s ‘Good Morning Texas.‘ One of the 10 Denton residents arrested attempting to enforce our ban had this to say:
“The message that I would say is it’s not only about Denton. It’s about local control and how it was robbed from us by the Texas legislature. So look out, your community is next.” – Elida Tamez
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If you’re interested in joining us for future Frack Free Friday events, sign up here.
Meanwhile, here’s some photos from today’s event. Once again residents from the neighborhood directly across the street joined us. Residents attempted to slow down trucks entering the frack site, but no arrests were made today. Last week, local Denton mother Meredith Buie was arrested for peacefully sitting down in front of a fracking truck attempting to enter a Vantage Energy well site located less than 200 feet from nearby houses and businesses.
“I am really disturbed by the fact that our majority, democratic vote was completely disregarded by our elected officials in Austin,” said Meredith. “Our representatives have failed us. Not only is this a slap in the face for democracy, it also sets a terrifying precedent. If we don’t stand up now, who knows how easy it will be for them to take away our next vote too, and every vote after that.”