“This Independence Day, DEMAND your government stop spying on its people. Rally with us to #RestoreThe4th!
Restore the Fourth began as a group of people united by one core set of beliefs:
- That the U.S. government should not be permitted or able to spy on innocent people domestically or abroad;
- That legislation allowing such spying, including the USA PATRIOT Act and the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, should be reviewed and reformed by an impartial third party;
- That programs like PRISM, which is a surveillance program of the National Security Agency used to unconstitutionally mine data from unsuspicious civilians, should be truly limited by the Constitution.
As a grassroots, non-partisan, and non-violent movement, Restore the Fourth seeks to organize nationwide protests on July 4, 2013. Protesters in over 100 cities across America will gather to demand that the government of the United States of America adhere to its constitutionally dictated limits and respect the Fourth Amendment.
Find a protest near you! Our official website hosts a complete list of all protests planned. Let your government know what you think about unconstitutional surveillance!
Talk to your representatives. Fight For the Future, another pro-Fourth-Amendment organization, offers a phone number through which local congressmen can be contacted and urged to strengthen the Fourth Amendment: 1-STOP-323-NSA. You can also go to their webpage and email your representatives.
Like the official Facebook page to spread awareness of the movement.
Follow the official Twitter and use hashtag #restorethe4th.
Visit the official reddit page to find important information including official graphics, posters, pamphlets, and statements. A national organizational meeting occurs every night at 8:00 p.m. EST.
Let us know what you think on IRC server irc.snoonet.org, channel #restorethefourth. We want your opinions and contributions!
Thank you for your help in protecting America’s Constitution!