Saturday, July 27th is the Worldwide Day of Action!
Please organize a rally in your community!
Please join us in what will likely be the last worldwide coordinated show of support for Army whistleblower Bradley Manning before military judge Col. Denise Lind reads her final verdict–which we expect some time in August. The July 27 Worldwide Day of Action coincides with the anticipated sentencing phase of Bradley’s trial. The outcome of that phase of the trial will result in Bradley receiving any outcome from time served to life in prison.
With a thousand supporters marching on Fort Meade, Bradley Manning’s trial finally began on June 3rd. We’re asking supporters to organize events in communities across the globe to do whatever possible to influence the outcome of Bradley’s trial.
The end of July also marks the third anniversary of the release of the Afghan War Diary which revealed the realities of pain and abuse suffered by many thousands in Afghanistan.
Contact campaign organizer Farah Muhsin at if you are interested in organizing a solidarity event or action in your community. Help us send a message to Convening Authority Maj. Gen. Buchanan that millions stand with Bradley!
View list of solidarity events around the world and/or register your own. and/or register your own.
P.S. We’re happy to provide you with ideas and materials for use at your event. Please click here to view stickers, posters and other materials that we can mail to you, and let me know if you wish to request some.