Something is happening here… The #WaveOfAction has already spawn a thriving decentralized subculture. The new paradigm is emerging online. On April 4th, the wave washes ashore at 1000+ former Occupy locations worldwide. Find your nearest location here, or create a new location and post the info here. Much more news to come! For now, here’s our second roundup of some of the inspiring graphics, music and videos that have recently come out in support. To keep up on all the latest news, use the #WaveOfAction hashtag and click “follow” or “like” on the social media posts below. Please spread the word and share widely…
Editor’s note: This is not all-inclusive by any means. If you have made any media in support, please send it to and we will feature it in future roundups.
You can view our first roundup of #WaveOfAction art here.