I recently subscribed to Pandora radio. I enjoyed my music selections daily until one day I heard an advertisement about Ann who lives with her husband, Jason and their daughter Maggie in Northern Colorado. Ann and Jason are allowing their land to be fracked. She suggests that if we learn more facts about fracking, then we know that fracking is good for the land, good for the water and good for us. The advertisement is paid for by the Shell Petroleum Company.
In early August, 2013 I confronted Pandora about this ad.
They responded “Perhaps the best place to start is to tell you that, like virtually all media outlets, the advertising content on Pandora does not represent an endorsement of any kind on our part.” They further advised me that “There is always the option to subscribe to Pandora One, thereby removing all the advertising from your Pandora experience. It’s only $36/year”.
So, I argued that if someone wanted to put an ad for prostitution, I am sure that Pandora would not accept it and I frankly don’t see any difference between prostituting your body or exploiting/ fracking earth. I also told them that the issue is not advertisement. I said that I know all the facts about fracking and I am not worried about myself. I am worried about all those young minds that are brainwashed about how good fracking is for them due to their ad. I also informed them that if this ad does not stop, I will turn the conversation to the fracking activists in Colorado and see what they think about Shell‘s ad transmitting through Pandora air.
Pandora responded “I encourage you to take whatever steps you feel compelled to in terms of Colorado activists. I do appreciate your concern over a topic that is controversial to say the least.” For a while they stopped, the advertisement, but came back with vengeance later. Please post this story on your websites, facebook pages. Hope we can stop Pandora/ Shell partnership in Colorado in regards to fracking.
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