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Technology Research Firm Predicts Occupy On A Larger Scale

Note: At Popular Resistance we see many signs of a growing movement for social justice and resistance to the corrupt economy which dominates government.  We see it among workers, students, environmental and climate justice activists, new economy advocates who oppose the excesses of big business and globalization as well as in opposition to wars and militarism — on these fronts and others we see signs of growing activity.  We also see the government making preparations for the expansion of popular revolts so that they can better suppress them. (Suppression will not work, the only way to suppress the revolt is to recognize the corruption and unfairness of the status quo and really transform the culture, economy and government — but that solution will be resisted until the people are better organized.) The popular revolt is occurring not only throughout the United States but around the world against transnational neo-liberal capitalism.  We cannot predict whether this popular movement will take the form of another occupation of public spaces or a new tactic, but we have no doubt that the social justice movement is growing on many fronts.  The report below for businesses engaged in information technology sees this in the future as well.  Our job as activists is to keep building the movement, educating ourselves about the issues and mobilizing people toward the most effective strategies and tactics that will lead to success. 

“A larger-scale version of Occupy Wall Street-type movement will begin by the end of 2014, indicating that social unrest will start to foster political discussion.”

The information technology research firm, Gartner, which describes itself as “the world’s leading information technology research and advisory company.” The firm, based in Stamford, CT “offers world-class, objective insight on virtually any area of IT.”  The firm has more than 900 expert analysts that cover 1,200 topics across the IT landscape in 26 countries. They claim to produce “rigorous research process and proven methodologies provide the foundation for unbiased, pragmatic and actionable insight.”

Gartner has issued a report: Gartner Top Predictions 2014: Plan for a Disruptive, but Constructive Future.  The report mentions the future of the protest and resistance movement and its impact on IT businesses.  They see “a bartering based (sub) society” and the resurrection of “initiatives like Occupy Wall Street but on a much larger scale.”  Gartner “flags” for the near-term that: “A larger-scale version of Occupy Wall Street-type movement will begin by the end of 2014, indicating that social unrest will start to foster political discussion.”  And, they also flag: “By 2015, traditional paid jobs will be replaced by bartering-based systems and voluntary roles in such areas as patient care.” They warn companies not to be seen as the “culprit” that is “driving these labor effects.”  They warn that there could be a “backlash in the form of buyer strikes, labor unrest and increased scrutiny of owner and executive compensation.” They urge executives to change their mindset “to start thinking in terms of participating instead of winning, giving the idea of sustainability a whole new meaning.”  Further, the warn that “the old economic mechanics and models are leading to undesired effects and consequences (in participation, allocation and enumeration). . . .”

Here’s the relevant excerpts:

Gartner report 1
Gartner report 2
Gartner report 3
Gartner report 4

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