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In only 24 hours more than 1500 people have signed a petition saying they would be willing to serve part of Bradley Manning’s prison sentence.
People are showing their depth of support for Bradley Manning by signing up to serve part of his prison time. Comments from people signing indicate great appreciation for Manning exposing the truth about U.S. foreign policy, especially the conduct of the wars, the drone program, Guantanmo and the operation of the State Department.
Here are some comments from those who have signed up:
Richard S. This man had the courage to provide the American people the documentation that they should have a right to access. His sentence is far too heavy for his act of valor.
Ethan E. “It is exceptionally unlikely at best that the American government would allow anyone to serve prison time for Mr Manning but I intend my offer by way of signing the petition to be completely sincere.” Honestly, his sentence is entirely unjust… It’s not like I want to serve that prison time, but I think it’s a very worthy exchange of value that I should lose my freedom in part to grant Mr Manning’s freedom from prison entirely.
Melissa P. “Give me the date and time. I will make arrangements with work and have my mother watch my daughter. I can serve at least a week of your sentence Mr. Manning and will GLADLY do so. You deserve so much more than this young man. You are the true definition of Hero. We love you Bradley and stand by you 100%!
Charlotte Scot who drew up the petition is thrilled with the response, “I am overwhelmed by the response. Grandparents and teenagers, people from not only the US but from Britain and Canada feel passionately about what Bradley Manning has done for them.”
Co-petitioner Kevin Zeese, an organizer of Popular Resistance.org is equally pleased, “In one day enough people have signed up so that each would serve only one month in prison if Manning received close to his maximum sentence. People are showing they have enormous respect for and appreciation of Bradley Manning. This petition is giving them a voice. We hope Judge Lind and anyone who reviews this case understand the American people, stand with Bradley.”
The goals of the petition are to let Bradley Manning know how much we appreciate his work as a whistleblower for human rights. The petitioners also want to let the sentencing judge, the convening authority and anyone else who reviews the case see that many Americans strongly support Manning to the point where they are willing to go to prison for him. And,we want the media that covers this case to understand that even though spokespersons for the security state attack Manning, the people who he leaked the documents for — the American people — see him as a patriotic hero who sought to improve the United States. Many have signed up in the I Am Bradley Manning campaign, this shows that we are serious when we say that and are willing to stand in his shoes.
The petition can be found at: I WILL PROUDLY SERVE
For more information please contact:
CharlotteScot@att.net or KBZeese@gmail.com