Rumors of a strike at Burning Man were reportedly started by an imposter
Last week while reporting on the heavy police presence at the Burning Man festival we came across an interview with someone claiming to be a be a member of the Burning Man staff. In the interview, which was conducted by a reputable source for information on Burning man, the source claimed that volunteers would be going on strike if the police did not stay out of the playa. [1]
In recent days since both our article, and the interview at made its way around the internet, some people who are on the crew reached out to say that this person was only speaking for themselves, and that their sentiments were not shared by the rest of the crew.
One long time crew member who wrote us had the following to say:
“We are not striking; that’d be cutting off the nose to spite the face and it’s not only a fabrication but a terrible one. Our problem is with LEO, not the city or residents. What needs to happen this year is the national legalization of hemp and cannabis with no restrictions; all other fascist tendencies could be suppressed most easily, and surveillance laws re-written, if the drug dogs and the PTSD-riddled desert-storm veterans who use them as intimidation devices out here had no job to do aside from maintaining BLM land-use compliance and catching real criminals.”
The volunteer went on to say that there is no movement to organize and strike at Burning Man.
According to all reports police presence has been incredibly heavy, as with many large festivals this year.
[1] Busting Man: RIOT Calls for General Strike at Burning Man –