Above photo: Kevin Zeese, Margaret Flowers, David Paul, and Adrienne Pine at windows of the Venezuelan Embassy in Washington, DC. They were the four Embassy Protectors arrested by federal authorities.
Note: Below is the statement of the Embassy Protection Collective signed by more than 1,500 people and organizations who support the Venezuelan Embassy remaining the under the control of the sovereign nation of Venezuela that is represented by the democratically elected government of President Nicolas Maduro, whose government is recognized under Venezuelan law and by the United Nations. The Embassy Protection Collective began on April 10 and remained as interim protectors of the embassy for 37 days until the embassy was illegally invaded by more than 100 paramilitary police and the final four Embassy Protectors were removed and unlawfully arrested. The Declaration below explains the reason for the Embassy Protection Collective. Our goal was a mutual Protecting Power Agreement between the US and Venezuela where Switzerland became the protector of the US embassy in Caracas and Turkey became the protector of the Venezuelan embassy in Washington, DC. The Embassy Protection Collective consistently said it would leave the embassy once a Protecting Power Agreement was reached. Sadly, the United States choose to violate the Vienna Convention and put embassies around the world at risk. This precedent will lead to blowback against US embassies and their personnel. It is a decision the United States will regret. The mutual agreement remains our goal. KZ
We have joined together as the Embassy Protection Collective to show solidarity with the people of Venezuela and their right to determine their elected government. We are staying in the Venezuelan embassy with the permission of the legitimate Venezuelan government under President Nicolas Maduro. We seek to provide a nonviolent barrier to the threatened opposition takeover of their embassy in Washington, DC by being a presence at the embassy every day of the week for 24 hours a day.
The Collective is working from the embassy, located in the heart of Georgetown in Washington, DC during the day and holding seminars and cultural events in the evenings, as well as sleeping in the embassy. Events include forums on Venezuela, its government, economy and the ongoing attempted coup. We are also holding seminars on US foreign policy toward Africa, Honduras and Iran, the prosecution of Julian Assange and other issues.
There is great cause for us to be concerned about a hostile takeover of the DC Embassy. On March 18, 2019, the Venezuelan opposition took over the military attaché building on 2409 California St in Washington DC, with the help of the DC Police and Secret Service. On that same day, the opposition also took over the Venezuelan Consulate in New York City. They have publicly threatened to take over the embassy itself.
International Law Protects Foreign Embassies Located In The United States
According to Article 22 of the 1961 Vienna Conventions on Diplomatic Relations, foreign embassies should be protected by the United States government and their space should not be violated by the US government. Specifically, international law requires:
- The premises of the mission shall be inviolable. The agents of the receiving State may not enter them, except with the consent of the head of the mission.
- The receiving State is under a special duty to take all appropriate steps to protect the premises of the mission against any intrusion or damage and to prevent any disturbance of the peace of the mission or impairment of its dignity.
- The premises of the mission, their furnishings and other property thereon and the means of transport of the mission shall be immune from search, requisition, attachment or execution.
The Trump Administration is violating the Vienna Convention by not only allowing the illegal seizure of diplomatic premises but by facilitating it. The Election Protection Collective is supporting the people of Venezuela by taking responsibility to ensure that Article 22 of the Vienna Convention is followed.
The Elected Government of President Maduro Remains In Power
The government of President Nicolás Maduro was re-elected on May 20, 2018 in response to the opposition demanding an early election. The election was held consistent with the Venezuelan Constitution, in consultation with opposition parties and as determined by the National Electoral Council, an independent branch of the Venezuelan government.
Sixteen parties participated in the election with six candidates competing for the presidency. President Maduro won by a wide margin, obtaining 6,248,864 votes, 67.84%; followed by Henri Falcón with 1,927,958, 20.93%; Javier Bertucci with 1,015,895, 10.82%; and Reinaldo Quijada, who obtained 36,246 votes, 0.39% of the total. A total of 9,389,056 people voted, 46% of eligible voters.
The electoral process was observed by more than 150 election observers. This included 14 electoral commissions from eight countries among them the Council of Electoral Experts of Latin America; two technical electoral missions; and 18 journalists from different parts of the world, among others. According to the international observers, “the elections were very transparent and complied with international parameters and national legislation.”
In a letter to the European Union correcting some of the false statements made about the election, election observers wrote: “We were unanimous in concluding that the elections were conducted fairly, that the election conditions were not biased, that genuine irregularities were exceptionally few and of a very minor nature.”
Voting machines were audited before and immediately after the election. Venezuela does something no other country in the world does, a public Citizen’s Audit of a random sample of 52 to 54% of voting machines. The Citizen’s Audit is observed by the media, the public, and all opposition parties, who sign the audits.
The Invalid Self-Appointment of Juan Guaidó Violated Venezuelan Law
Juan Guaidó’s self-appointment as interim president violated the Constitution of Venezuela. The language of the Venezuelan Constitution is clear regarding when the president of the National Assembly can become president and none of the conditions in the Constitution have been met.
The opposition relies on Article 233 of the Constitution, which allows the National Assembly president to serve as interim president only if the president-elect has not yet been inaugurated. Guaidó’s self-appointment occurred after President Maduro had been inaugurated.
Article 233 allows the president of the National Assembly to become president only if the president-elect:
“become[s] permanently unavailable to serve by reason of any of the following events: death; resignation; removal from office by decision of the Supreme Tribunal of Justice [equivalent of impeachment]; permanent physical or mental disability certified by a medical board designated by the Supreme Tribunal of Justice with the approval of the National Assembly; abandonment of his position, duly declared by the National Assembly; and recall by popular vote.”
None of these conditions were met.
If Guaidó had met the above conditions, Article 233 allows him to serve for only 30 consecutive days pending election and inauguration of the new President. Guaidó’s self-appointment and fraudulent inauguration occurred more than 30 days ago and no election has been scheduled.
In a press briefing, Elliot Abrams, the US Special Representative for Venezuela, could not explain these violations of law by Guaidó and admitted that Guaidó is not “able to exercise the powers of the office because Maduro still is there.” Even Abrams admits that Guaidó is not the president. Therefore, he has no authority over the Venezuelan embassy.
The Role of the Embassy Protection Collective
The Embassy Protection Collective is in the embassy with the permission of the Venezuelan government. We are upholding international law and the Venezuelan Constitution and opposing a coup attempt against the legitimate government of Venezuela on behalf of the people of Venezuela who elected their government.
The Embassy Protection Collective is made up of civilians, United States citizens, who are peacefully defending the embassy. If the opposition enters, they will be trespassing. We call on the DC police, Secret Service, Department of Homeland Security and any other law enforcement agency to uphold the law and prevent the opposition from trespassing.
The Collective feels a responsibility to hold our government to a standard of respecting the rule of law as well as a responsibility to stand in solidarity with the people of Venezuela.
The Embassy Civilian Protection Collective (Colectivos Por La Paz)
Chicago ALBA Solidarity
Popular Resistance
Alliance for Global Justice
Tortilla con Sal Collective
March on the Pentagon
Echoes of Silence Environmental and Latin America Solidarity Collective
Veterans For Peace
Casa Baltimore/Limay
International Committee for Peace, Justice and Dignity
U.S. Peace Council
Green Party of Monmouth County NJ
National Coalition to Protect Student Privacy
Party of Communists USA
Movement 4 Peoples’ Democracy
Solidarity with Novorossiya & Antifascists in Ukraine
Orinoco Tribune
U. S. Friends of the Soviet People
New Progressive Alliance
DC Venezuela Action Network
Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network
Alliance for Global Justice
International Action Center
No War On Venezuela Campaign
International Action Center
Canadian Peace Congress
National Lawyers Guild International Committee
Women’s Institute for Freedom of the Press
Labor Community Alliance of South Florida
Environmentalists Against War
NH Veterans for Peace
The Campaign to End US and Canada Sanctions against Venezuela
International Committee for Peace, Justice and Dignity
Coop Anti-War Cafe Berlin
Berliner Alliance “Hands off Venezuela”
Virginia Defenders for Freedom, Justice & Equality
Trade Justice Alliance Alliance
National Network on Cuba (NNOC)
Rooms for PEACE
Veterans For Peace Chapter 180 – Fresno
The Literacy Project
No War On Venezuela Campaign
Chicago Anti-War Coalition
Veterans For Peace, Chapter 23, Rochester, NY
Community Organizing Center
Veterans For Peace Chap 122
White Rabbit Grove RDNA
Peace and Freedom Party
World Union of Freethinkers
Axis of Logic www.axisoflogic.com
Veterans for Peace Chapter 23, Rochester, NY
Poor Peoples Economic Human Rights Campaign
Refuge Ministries of Tampa Bay/International
Revolutionary Road radio show
ECOTERRA International
Greater Brunswick PeaceWorks
Youth Against War and Racism
Victor Jara Riksförbundet-Sverige
Veterans For Peace
Witness for Peace Southwest
Veterans For Peace – NYC Chapter 034
International Peace Research Association
San Diego County Central Committee of the Peace and Freedom Party of California
Veterans For Peace Ch 27
Carlos Baliño Institute
Central America Solidarity Coalition.
National Network on Cuba
Mütter gegen den Krieg Berlin-Brandenburg
The Korean American National Coordinating Council
Kingdom of Heaven
Minnesota Peace Action Coalition
Corruption Watch USA
Fox Valley Citizens for Peace & Justice
Peoples Power Assembly
Struggle La Lucha
Socialist Unity Party
Tom Wells for Congress (FL CD3, 2020)
Earth Evolution
New Progressive Alliance
phogg phoundation/y.e.s.
United National Antiwar Coalition (UNAC)
Raging Grannies
Chico 350
Maine WTR Resource Center
Comité Santrichlibre
Centro de investigación y Estudios de Fronteras
La Junta (Perú)
Code Black
AlbanyPark, North Park, Mayfair Neighbors for Peace and Justice (Chicago)
March 19th Anti-War Coalition (Chicago)
Friends of Latin America
Colectivo Trinchera Revolucionaria
Fire This Time Movement for Social Justice Venezuela Solidarity Campaign – Vancouver, Canada
Mobilization Against War and Occupation (MAWO) – Vancouver, Canada
Vancouver Communities in Solidarity with Cuba (VCSC)
Friends of Cuba Against the US Blockade – Vancouver, Canada
Association of Roman Catholic Women Priests
Asociación Paz Climática
Traprock Center for Peace and Justice
Women Against Military Madness
Albuquerque Chapter 63, Veterans For Peace
Socialist Revolution (IMT)
Vrede met Venezuela
Task Force on the Americas
Marcha Patriotica Capítulo California
Maine Green Independent Party
National Council of Gray Panthers Networks
Ecumenical Peace Institute/Clergy & Laity Concerned
Veterans For Peace
CovertAction Magazine
Fundación Familia y Ambiente FUNDAFAM
Hilton Head for Peace
Veterans For Peace Chapter 72
Red Ecológica de Chile
Squawk Radio
Peace Action Committee of the Green Party of the United States
We Act Radio
La Cuadra Patriota
Show Up! America
Western Mass. Venezuela Solidarity Coalition
First Nations Enforcement Agency
Circle of Compassion
Arise For Social Justice
Central America Solidarity Coalition and the Racine Coalition for Peace and Justice.
Global Coalition for Peace
The WomXn’s Freedom Collective Party
Comité de Base FMLN, Adelaide, Australia.
Pittsburgh Anti-Imperialist League
Red de Intelectuales, Artistas y Movimientos Sociales en Defensa de la Humanidad REDH
Earth/Animal Liberation Front
Izquierda Unida Venezuela
People’s Liberation Party
Center Student Struggle for National Liberation
St. Pete for Peace
Center for Student Struggle for the National Liberation of Collectives in Ternate City, North Maluku
Green Party of Alameda County
Australia-Venezuela Solidatity Network
S.P.A.N (Stop Police Abuse Now)
Serikat Kobelco Indonesia
Front Mahasiswa Demokratik (FMD)
Perserikatan Sosialis (Indonesia)
Sindicales de la Lucha Popular en Indonesia/Serikat Perjuangan Rakyat Indonesia
Elders Rising
Kreisverband DIE LINKE Oberhausen, Paroli e.V.
Green Party of Allegheny County
Asociación Americana de Juristas
Haiti Liberté Newspaper
Green Party Of Bay County
MOV. Ecuatoriano Alfarista Bolivariano MEAB
Nicaragua Center for Community Action
U&Us Padova (Italy)
Peace Action WI
Beyond War and Militarism, Syracuse, NY
Alliance for Global Justice
Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador (CISPES)
Asociación Americana de Juristas
The committee of supporting for Korean prisoner of conscience
Community Organizing Center
Peace Action Maine
Minnesota Cuba Committee (minnesotacubacommittee.org)
Committee for Peace and Human Rights
Indivisible Freeport
Good Neighbor Society
Veterans for Peace Chapter 118
La Voz de los de Abajo Chicago
School of the Americas Watch Oakland/East Bay California
New Orleans Workers Group
Maine WTR Resource Center
StrikeDebtBayArea SF
Green Party Of Bay County
Friendly Fire Collective
Labor Community Alliance of South Florida
The Question Alliance
Solidarity Truckers
Olympia Movement for Justice and Peace (OMJP)
Green Party of Monmouth County NJ
Veterans For Peace Chapter 122
West Shore Greens a local of the Green Party of Michigan
Young EcoSocialists of the Green Party of the United States
Prairie Greens of Champaign/Urbana Il/AWARE Anti-war
The Green Party of New Jersey
James Counts Early |
Kevin Zeese |
Howie Hawkins |
Layla Brow |
Dariel Garner |
Robert Siegel |
Joe Emersberger |
Marcy J. Gordon |
James H. Romer |
Merrill Cole |
Vic Burton |
Art Smoker |
Marvin J Ward |
ellen allen |
Ken Jones |
Berry Dilley |
Ann Marie K. |
Tom Violett |
Pat Elder |
Linda Mintun |
Kei Pritsker |
Mary Rose Lambke |
Martin Weller |
Noreen Harnik |
Ketty Wadia |
Hollis Higgins |
curt clay |
Crystal Zevon |
Dana Green |
Amy Harlib |
Heather Nicholson |
Debra Swanson |
Nicole Roussell |
Phil Runkel |
Hajira Asghar |
Lee Hutchings |
Marybeth Webster |
Michelle Munjanattu |
Travis Christal |
Thomas F. Hennessy |
Roger Wechsler |
Brian Flaherty |
Marilyn Stachenfeld |
Karl Novak |
Alan Podber |
Tina Ann |
Jovanni Reyes |
Lynn Canarelli |
thomas smith |
Derek |
Normand Dufresne |
Jane B Middlesworth |
S B |
Nicolas J S Davies |
Susan Scott |
Richard Creswell |
Judith Arnold |
David Borzenski |
Ken McDaniel |
Mike Scanlan |
Leslie |
Jack Strasburg |
Martine Zundmanis |
Dorothy Anderson |
Kate Gratz |
alain laroche |
Martha Allen |
Mary Finneran |
Cale Holmes |
Matthew Nelson |
Cristy Murray |
Gar Smith |
Emily Greene |
Ann E Ruthsdottir |
lisa |
Hipolito Arriaga |
Margaret Wiggin |
Ann Tiffany |
Susan Kiplinger |
Lois Jordan |
Peter Kelly |
Suzanne Adely |
Fern Tishman |
Jonathan Boyne |
Roger Harris |
Brian Noyes Pulling, M.Div. |
Paul-Mary Draxler |
Audrey Bomse |
Jill Clark-Gollub |
Michael Leahan |
Polly Rask |
Barbara Humphrey |
Gary E Arbeiter |
Joan Nicholson |
Rosemarie Pace |
Lee Hudson |
Terry Callan |
Bonnie Gorman |
B. Keith Brumley |
Stephen Stillwell |
Bob Riggs |
Patricia Fahy |
Robert L Plass |
Patricia Fahy |
Steve Books |
Terence Fitzgibbons |
Eloise Bates |
Ursula Mathern |
Christopher Helali |
Amy Harlib |
John Nettleton |
Steve |
Marjorie Cohn |
Tim Jeffries |
Richard Khanlian |
Phil Wilayto |
Hipolito Arriaga |
Victor Wallis |
Evelyn Haas |
Bonnie Gorman RN |
Mara Cohen |
Nicholas Chagnon |
Peter Gunther |
Robert J. Burrowes |
Leo R. Sandy |
Craig Smith |
Jim Yarbrough |
Edward Briody |
Leanora Winters |
iris edinger |
Natasha Lycia Ora Bannan |
Billie L Knighton |
Rick Staggenborg |
Timothy Linkfield |
jeanie keltner |
Hilda Richey |
Eric Mills |
Edward Doogan |
Dr Joshua Shurley |
Eric Larson |
Martha L Schmidt |
william Collins |
James Jessup |
elana levy |
Coleen Rowley |
Linda Smith |
Theodore Voth III |
Thomas Block |
Gladys Schmitz |
Patricia P Tursi |
Mike Madden |
Elizabeth Murray |
Marvin Sawyer |
Tracy S. Feldman |
Lewis Montemaggi |
Lewis Montemaggi |
Neal and Betty Resnikoff |
April Mackay |
Laurie Tanenbaum |
Bill Vogt |
Dianne Rhodes |
Carol Gay |
Cassandra Fairbanks |
Mary Jo Fesenmaier |
Bernie Trappmann |
Jo Hayward-Haines |
Kerby Miller |
Connie Stomper |
Steve Livingston |
Oren Glick |
Don Winters |
Newland F Smith |
Anthony Clarke |
Jessica Coco |
Ken McDaniel |
Nancy D Stalnaker |
Robert Bossie |
Merrill Cole |
Armon Ketchum |
Carroll Nast |
Dennis Bricker |
Bob Schwartz |
ron unger |
David Hartsough |
Margaret Wiggin |
Michael Trudeau |
Susanne Ringel |
Joel Isaacson |
John Gloster |
Gabriele Braun |
Wakean Maclean |
Norman Keegel |
Elke Zwinge-Makamizile |
Bob Haney |
Robert Beverly |
Roger Harkness |
Dr. Edgar Göll |
Maya malek |
Maya |
Kemosabe |
Peng Au-Yong |
matthew gordon |
Lara Pullin |
Hector Contreras |
Colleen Whittemore |
Robert Kolkebeck |
Sand Fessler |
Nan McCurdy |
Stephen D. Melkisethian |
Joseph Mondello |
Joseph Mondello |
Michael Bauermeister |
Rael Nidess, M.D. |
Juan Gomez |
Chris Kaihatsu |
Thomas Block |
Franz |
David Billington |
Robert C Dickerson |
Philip Ateto |
Sally-Alice Thompson |
Jim Vail |
Christophe CLEMENT |
Diane R Ake |
Frances Goff |
Brendalee Lennick |
Cornelia Praetorius |
Anthony Manousos |
Ordell Vee |
Dorothy Reilly |
tarak kauff |
carol caffrey |
Kristin Mitchell |
Karen Saunders |
Oren Glick |
Darcy Soleil |
Ricardo |
Phyllis Arist |
paki wieland |
Christine Janz Taylor |
R. Burke |
Cristy Murray |
Suzanne Thompson |
Arthur Brennan |
Bill Stansbery |
Dave Logsdon |
Richard Greve |
Gerhard Mertschenk |
Ed Ciaccio |
Linda Helland |
Alan H Feldman |
Doug Rawlings |
Barry Riesch |
Ann Wright |
Soobok Kim |
ed kinane |
Jean M Hricik |
Jill Godmilow |
Joseph de Rivera |
Nicholas Eltgroth |
Bill McNulty |
Marcelo Vazquez |
Mayra Leon |
David Febo |
Mary C Bunting |
Vaska Yu |
Ellen E Barfield |
Alan Stolzer |
Bernie Eisenberg |
Herbert J. Hoffman, PH.D. |
Dorli Rainey |
Dave Bicking |
Craig Wood |
Barbara Williamson |
Ben Ingaldson |
Peter L |
Peter Panther |
Jeanette Radell |
Peter E Swords |
Alexander Edwards |
Ty Sches |
Rohan Sabnis |
Joseph Arguelles |
david paul |
Karolyn Beebe |
Christine Pizon |
Mark M Giese |
ed |
Arnold August |
David Glass |
Ravi Wadhwani |
Douglas Navarro |
Cheryl Curtiss |
Eric Braaten |
Maria Cho |
Kil Sang Yoon |
Sima Kassaie-Van Ooyen |
John Spitzberg |
Adela Brent |
Sarah |
Danika Bradley |
Reiner Hofmann |
Alois Mittermüller |
Elsa Flores |
Stephen Fournier |
Andrew Hiller |
Michael Kelly |
Volker Wirth |
Kathleen Hacker |
Loubna Messaoudi |
john mudd |
Gillian Talwar |
françoise corgier |
ALINA Dollat |
Russell Bates |
Dennis Dewolf |
anat Krier |
Marirose Walker |
Daniel Podgurski |
Inga Patzner |
Jerry don Messick |
Beverly Williams |
Dan Ireland |
Robert Janusko |
Lynn Waldron |
Gwen |
Heather Cantino |
Anthony Glavin |
Rivera Sun |
sheila goldmacher |
Vaughn L. Zeller |
Helga I. Fellay |
Linda Simington |
Wendell F Perks Jr |
Carol Coney |
Karel Riley |
George Cammarota |
Jim Bearden |
CEcile Pinedda |
Kerry Johnson |
Rev. Sharon Shanthi Behl |
Roxanne Evans |
Tom Patteson |
Tom Patteson |
William Flowers |
Barry Kissin |
Dennis M. Goldstein |
Cathy Paulino |
David Brubaker |
Mary Lou Langenhop |
Joseph Kelleher |
Diane Keefauver |
Chris Kermiet |
Daviann McClurg |
pascal molineaux |
Mark Bradley Cappetta |
Kathryn Christian |
Raul Anorve |
Fred Nagel |
Anna Louise Fontaine |
Joyce Vandevere |
Jane Chischilly |
Jeb Sprague |
Jan Treecraft |
S. Hendra |
Dakotah lilly |
Sukanya Subramanian |
Arlene Eisen |
Rose Marie Whalley |
Miriana |
Robert Helm |
Sunil Freeman |
Alan Barbier |
Paul Kesler |
Stephen Johnson |
Kristin Loken |
Tim Wood |
Jan A. Ruhman |
Leah Anne Brown |
Doug Busch |
Charles B. McGarry |
Jennifer Fruth |
John Harris |
Carol Devoss |
Cass Martinez |
Frank White |
Mary Jones-Giampalo |
David Keeler |
Walter Pelton |
Mary Mihaly-Galloway |
Chico Callman |
Karl-Heinz Medler |
Howard Gold |
Maerwydd McFarland |
Joshua Angelus |
Peter Childs |
Skip Cross |
jan bromann |
Paulette Brown |
Kathy Bakane |
Charles Dineen |
Nancy York |
MIchael Rosa |
Sherrill Hogen |
Anne M Curran |
Constance Godin |
Dana Silvernale |
zool Zulkowitz |
Bonnie Gorman |
Wendy Goetz |
Jonathan Boyne |
Jane Newton |
Charlotte Trolinger |
Kenneth Ruby |
Stan Squires |
Alice Zachmann |
Edward Barnard |
Ausra Kubilius |
fran merker |
joel merker |
Lyle Courtsal |
James M Wallrabenstein |
John Chadwick |
annick baud |
Claire Mortimer |
Ravioliollie Kaye |
Estelle Voeller |
Michael L Falk |
Gretel Munroe |
bruce dunn |
Madeleine Winfield |
Rik Masterson |
Timothy Havel |
Mario F. Venegas |
Mike Parsons |
Rael Nidess, M.D. |
Dr Lilliana Corredor |
Dr Lilliana Corredor |
William Smart |
Emily Lee |
Yes |
Elfriede Krutsch |
Juanita Colucci |
Arlene hickory |
Get |
Ruthann Ovenshire |
Adam Izak-Sunna |
Phoebe Sorgen |
Julia Willebrand |
Elizabeth Neuse |
David Barouh |
Phil Smith |
Joan Goddard |
Jerrolg Allen |
Glen R Williams |
Penny Dever-Reynolds |
Jelica Roland |
Patricia Greene |
Donlon Wade |
Terry Swinton |
Michael Kast |
Bev Walker |
Gerald Rowe & Brisna Caxaj-Rowe |
Terry Schaedig |
Bruce Parsons |
Susan Sehi-Smith |
Sandra Moreno Ayestas |
Alison Gottlieb |
Elizbeth Barger |
Scott A. Weir, PhD (Economics) |
michael gruber |
MJ Baumann |
Evan Ravitz |
Koni Kogan |
Patty Call |
Joseph Eusterman |
Robert HAND |
John-Albert Eadie |
Don Bryant |
Carla Davis |
Patricia Gracian |
Hubert Thompson |
Julie A du Bois |
Zach Souders |
Nelson Betancourt |
Michael |
Joe Schoolcraft |
Isabel Olivera-Morales |
Bruce Smith |
Janet Nye |
Mark M Giese |
Saleh Mohamad |
Steve Collins |
Paul Haeder |
Robert Perschmann |
Verónica Pineda |
Lynn Cardiff |
wojciech franzl |
don menowe |
Sasha Lagano |
Theodore Hexter |
Richard Allen |
Clay Ravin |
Carla Riehl |
Colin Maddock |
Dawn Reel |
Sanda Everette |
Andrew Costigan |
Susan Heath |
Jean Bails |
Clifford E. Andersoin |
Jerry T. Payne |
Brent Rocks |
Alan Macdonald |
Geraldine Bell |
Valentina Cisneros |
Antonio Pinto |
Stephen-Connie Caruso |
cheryl kozanitas |
Susan Harman |
Ahmad Rabbie |
Eliud Lopez |
Melanie S. Dupré |
Steve |
dan |
Alison Jones |
Adrian moya |
Stephen Liss |
Cait Ni Cadlaig |
leslie czuma |
Bendezu Martha |
Flavio Bendezu |
Lisa Savage |
Nubia N Molina Bermúdez |
Joseph H Zernik |
Janice Sevre-Duszynska |
Amy Harlib |
Dr. Harel Barzilai |
Michael Cummins |
Madeline Perkins |
Dennis M. Goldstein |
Hazel J Twelker |
Kathryn Little |
Kevin Gallagher |
Deborah Belle |
Braulio Arteaga |
Jill Harrison |
Lupe Torre |
Dave Lefcourt |
Sharon Crawford |
hannah |
Pat Moore |
Patricia Fahy |
Stefan Kreft |
David Sketchley |
Megan Brizzolara |
Carol J. Painter Phd |
María Silva Garcia |
Laurie Paolini |
Chuck Nasmith |
Cindy Aspden |
Linda Greene |
Joseph Candelaria |
Douglas Newman |
G.Maria Cristini |
Joseph Candelaria |
Ann Ferguson |
Elisabeth Armstrong |
Camila Agurto |
Ronald Forthofer |
Josephine Emmanuel |
Juan Gomez |
Mohammad Askari |
Joseph Levine |
Alice Rodgers |
Baltodano Aurora |
Jerry King |
William Johnson |
Rebecca M Stratton |
Einar Schlereth |
Kristin Dooley |
Cameron Troxell |
Louise Lansberry |
Lee Liddle |
Miriam and michael Kurland |
Roger Hollander |
Carol White |
Stephen Sleeper |
Jerry Detry |
Frank Jerabek |
Casimira Monasterio |
Jon Karr |
Paul Kivel |
Carol I Moeller Costa |
Nancy D. River |
Marilyn Shepherd |
Mark Farris |
Michele Reynolds |
John Kesich |
Rebecca N Harmon |
Nell Myhand |
Gail Fleischaker |
Shelley Byrne |
Joseph Sean Bechtold |
Misty Hay |
Sheri Staley |
Laurie rubin |
Wythe Holt |
Prof. Dr. Richard Sorg, Hamburg |
Patsy Shafchuk |
Robert Doupe |
guri-kristine mundal |
Sonja Johnson |
Lee Stanfield |
Nick Egnatz |
Elba Soto |
Dave Kisor |
Mike Hearington |
Borgis Lohan |
Jim Loveland |
René González |
Anne Petrokubi |
David Hartsough |
Rose Elizondo |
Marc Estrin |
Maria Bondanza |
Daniel Freese |
Arlene Rakoncay |
Laura Kaye |
Barbara Aldave |
Seshadri Srinivas |
Michael Trafalgar |
Morton Brussel |
July Jonesjones |
Jack Laun |
Neysha Sima |
Daniel Shea |
Juan Alfaro |
Dulce Rea |
Yakelin Lamberti |
Christo Meyer |
Francis Moulton |
William Grosh |
Ed Ptasznik |
Ineke Deruyter |
Hartmut Uhden |
Charlie Rawls |
elana levy |
Toni Aguilar |
Scott Eversole |
Raina Zimmering |
Angela Verley |
Mark Kohut |
Kathleen Hacker |
Elizabeteh Horvay |
hugh wilson |
Geri moore |
Edward Lyle Tripp |
Steven Bray |
Judy Stiller |
Jonothan Logan |
John Deterling |
Dorothy Anderson |
Kate Kent |
Tomas Uriostegui |
judith lienhard |
Edith Bell |
David Brookbank |
Steve Patt |
Pedro Vasquez G. |
Herb Geraghty |
Kimberly Mims |
Avimael Garcia |
kim griffis |
Benita J. Campbell |
L. Adams |
Joe Catron |
Lesly Reiziger |
Diane Keefauver |
Merrill Cole |
MJ Baumann |
Nancy J May |
frank baldwin, M.D. |
Sally-Alice Thompson |
Frank Munley |
Peter and Gail Mott |
James McFadden |
art |
Jean Cushman |
Judith Reed |
John Behrend |
Audrey Muller |
Lee Artz |
Meghan Krausch |
Jan Garrett |
Richard Ochs |
Kenneth Lee |
Barrie Stebbings |
Keith Brooks |
Lindolfo Carballo |
Mark Barnes |
Thomas Luce |
George Purvis |
Sharon Tipton |
David L. Mandel |
Emily Brandt |
Meryl Sundove |
Jorge (George) Sorger |
Kathleen Densmore |
Alan Podber |
Ty Shlackman |
Jacqui Deveneau |
jon sternberg |
Victor Stoliarchuk |
John Re |
Rebecca Connor |
Craig Clark |
Denise Romesburg |
BrendaLee Lennick |
Jo Urquhart |
Elaine Marie Kinch |
Victor Templer |
Luz del Carmen Espino |
Katherine Halton |
Elena Kanina |
Dirk De Zutter |
Sergio Monteiro |
Cornelia Hall |
Lise s Rehbock |
Jan Fraser |
Peter ‘t Hoen |
Ty Alston |
Akira Asada |
aine |
Ralph Tuscher |
Kenneth Kenegos |
Allan Widmeyer |
Barry Malkin |
Brek Renzelman |
Roger Stoll |
Robert Siegel |
Julia Cato |
Williaoydm L Ll |
Margaret Guttshall |
Lachlan Hurse |
Irwin Hoenig |
andy ford |
Lynn Shoemaker |
Arlene Rakoncay |
Dr. F Taylor |
Ada Bello |
Judy guffey |
Teresa Robinson |
Ellen Graved |
Ellen Hraves |
Yvonne Langlois |
Silvana |
Carol Berman |
Mary and Rev. Robert Reader |
Nora Roman |
Mary and Robert Reader |
James Robinson |
lisa m |
Eliud Lopez |
Gary Hankins |
Michael Lubin |
David Monsees |
Vivian weinstein |
Susan Willis |
Gary Erb |
christian major |
Robert Forsythe |
Susan Lehrer |
José A. Soler |
Kathryn Albrecht |
Roland Verrier |
M. A. Mareck and family |
Ken Brown, a.k.a. Analysis |
Scott G. Walker |
Abner I Dumoff |
John Cook |
Douglas Olson |
Daniel Kasowitz |
Larry Maxwell |
Jonathan Mitchell |
dan handler |
Valmore Suárez |
Lombard-Crémieux |
David Polden |
Edith Rees |
Wes Eastridge |
Roger Stoll |
Karl Reed |
alan marwine |
Heather Lane |
Pat Moore |
Susan Sheinfed |
Dr. Rainer Rothfuß |
Bunny Daubner |
Yorgo |
Juliana Barnet |
Sami Heikkila |
Enrique Gomez |
Beverly Williams |
Gage ashbaugh |
Lily Benavides |
Helen Schietinger |
James Odling |
petr dann |
Dr. Christine Schrader |
Willi Schrader |
Susan Brown |
Carolyn Ludwig |
Colin Neiburger |
Sharon Maldonado |
John Hershey |
Nancy Cavazos |
Lincoln Bergman |
Autumn Gonzalez |
Jelica Roland |
Victor M Rodriguez PhD |
Arthur Milholland |
Mohammad Askari |
William Thomas Sherrod |
Marie Murphy |
Barrie Stebbings |
catherine podojil |
marie vogel |
John A Dunker |
Timoteo Jeffries |
Melvin Zimmerman |
DeCourcy Squire |
Edith Rees |
Ákos Tárkányi |
John D Welsh |
Rev. F. Mark Mealing Ph.D. |
Maria Nunes |
Rob Wheeler |
Renee Lee |
Daniel Francis |
Nancy L Cowger |
Andrea Jones |
Laura Wells |
Shauna Gunderson |
Gavin O’Connor |
Jim Bearden |
Pamela J Bond |
Bill Perry |
Stanford McConnehey |
Esteban Almiron |
molly l murdey |
Barbara Blong |
jo hayward-haines |
Paul Karitis |
John and Debby Hanrahan |
Andrew Funaro |
Dean Ke ndall |
Peter Gunther |
Christopher Koston |
Jordan Atkin |
Aji Adhinatha Laksmana |
Ireno Rodríguez |
Ari Wibowo |
Norma Mahns |
Kym Cooke |
Edith Oropeza |
Neysha Sima |
Neysha Sima |
Robert Goldmann |
Vannia Palacio |
Safrezi |
Earl H Staelin |
Robert Cable |
J MacDonald |
Lucía C Heller |
Marilyn Goodman |
David Renton |
Debbie Campbell |
William Amy |
Jan Ralske |
M Ali Rahangiar |
Joan Gannon |
Surangya |
Angie Fulford |
Eliud Lopez |
Sandra Thompspn |
Raul Guerreiro |
Dragos Savu |
Irena Varjabedian |
Irena Varjabedian |
Cocayine |
Frank Fortino |
Steven J. Silva |
Mark RADER |
neysha sima |
Pamela Bell |
Prabu |
Tammy Swoboda |
Beverly Deutsch |
Grace Shimizu |
John Moran |
Nancy Feraldi |
Lorena Loran |
Sandra Twang |
Michael Bass |
Ronni (Veronica) Varner |
Wendy Hermance |
paul larkin |
Darlene Hebert |
Emma Beverage |
Kathleen Kilcommons |
Sam Adams |
Sue Martin |
Rufus |
Thomas Baker |
Jim Yarbrough |
Charles Xu |
John Morgan |
Magdalena Hohl |
Jacqueline Johnson |
Giorgio Riva |
Nasir latupono |
Guy Liston |
Guy Liston |
Chris Hager |
June Zaccone |
Paula LeRoy |
Eldon Grossman |
D Nunns – Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom Santa Cruz |
manijeh Saba |
Majid Maleki |
Pat Moore |
James Mahoney IV |
Brian Heath PhD |
Don Smith |
Carlos maldonado |
Brant Groff |
Tyreece Rogers |
Bill Nicholson |
Jodean Marks |
Madge Penelope Morgan |
Gary Hicks |
Gary Mesker |
jim herod |
ron ridenour |
Sabine Dohrn |
Carolyn Poinelli |
Nora Roman |
Nancy L. Wallace Nelson |
Martha Rollins |
Gisea Lopez |
Denise Lytle |
Dany Lindenbacher |
Virginia Hoffman |
Jan Garrett |
Geordie Zapalac |
Sinéad O’Brien |
Aileen McEvoy |
Felicity Ruby |
Scott Burger |
Jed Williams |
Dawn Jones |
Michele Reynolds |
BrendaLee Lennick |
D. Roberts |
Carl Baker |
Michael Boone |
Dennis B Lintz |
shari wessler |
Jeanne Dickerman |
Carol Farina |
Susann McCartju |
Christine Hughes |
Robert O’Neil |
bev walker |
Cynthia Sherman-Jones |
Rashid Patch |
Seshadri Srinivas |
Vic Burton |
Barry Meehan |
thomas grover |
Rosemary Tucci |
Stephen Keast |
Valeriet Thatcher |
Christo Meyer |
Vona F Quinlan |
wendell H williams |
Herb Kline |
Marilyn Hoff |
Toni Vlasits |
Carol Devoss |
Anita Rapone |
Jessica Cresseveur |
Judith Beaver |
Fuck you |
Robn Diekow |
John Heath |
Gregory Haney |
Joyce H Dixon |
Laura Potter |
Nick Egnatz |
Jim Bearden |
Susan Detato |
Claire Alexander |
Michele Sterling |
Robert B Perkins |
Anne M Curran |
Glen Anderson |
Helga I. Fellay |
Chico Callman |
Ellen Murphy |
John McKee |
Kathy Bradley |
Edward Bear |
Naufal |
Richard Clemens |
Hollis Higgins |
Pamela Gallegos |
Pennelloppe Allee |
Jonathan Boyne |
Kevin McKaig |
edith gurney |
Daniel LeClaire |
Rosemary Grace |
ralph fortune |
Gene Ulmer |
Lois Jordan |
James Miller |
Evelyn Haas |
Carolyn Summers |
Maggie Davidson |
Mr.Evans |
Lee T. Loe |
Ayla Bailey |
Kirk Leonard |
Duane McDonald |
Nancy Woolley |
kate nyne |
Kathleen A. Mireault |
Jelica Roland |
Muhamad Hardiyanto |
Albert Sargis |
Queen Pieter |
Queen Pieter |
Eleanor Weisman |
Dorothy Moloney |
Linda Greene |
Martha A. Nathan |
Anthony Glavin |
Anneke Corbett |
Barrie Stebbings |
jay henderson |
Father Claude Mostowik msc |
Christine Pepin |
Boyd Schwarz |
Riva Enteen |
Anne Lamb |
Daniel Shea |
Frank Hughes |
Jonathan Boyne |
Albrecht Ludloff |
Suzanne Hesh |
Samuel Morningstar |
ed kinane |
Peter Childs |
Jim Crittenden |
dianne budd, MD |
Jon Haillay |
jim webb |
Kevin M McCarron |
E. Grace Johnston |
Peg gefell |
John Sheridan |
Jill M Hearn |
Wendy Yost |
Barbara Kirkpatrick |
Karl Hildenbrand |
Cam Bundy |
Shaun Secaur |
Kathleen Barrett |
Nancy Hallock |
Dr. Colleen Kattau |
Dr. Colleen Kattau |
Michael Kelly |
Julia Ganson |
David Schwartzman |
adekunle theophilius |
Minnie Bruce Pratt |
Peter Kuznick |
Pam Larson |
Daniel Ellsberg |
Alice Rodgers |
Larry Rodgers |
anat Krier |
Gail Fleischaker |
Kristin T Dooley |
David Routh |
Jim Becklund |
Jean Darsie |
Derrick Schnur |
Marcelo Vazquez |
Michelle M Miller |
Christopher Weaver |
Emily Luhrs |
Marsha (Ngozi) |
Abiose O Adebayo |
terra |
Kazuye Suyematsu |
Martha Iancu |
Kelley Scanlon |
Jean Sanborn (Maine Group Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom) |
Sean J Cunningham |
John M. Morgan |
Dianne Burnham |
Greg LaMotta |
Merriam Ansara |
Herb Kline |
Renate Bridenthal |
Marcia J. Eagleson |
Jody Coss |
Elizabeth Shanklin |
Angela Teresi |
Robert Nixon |
Shirley Novak |
Claire Mortimer |
Aaron Albrecht |
Albert Leger |
John Spitzberg |
William chaney |
Casey Buchholz |
pam uri |
Casey Buchholz |
James Savoca |
Catherine LIONNET |
Donald Hartley |
Michael Runyon |
Cynthia Howard |
Thomas Rippolon |
Allen Lomax |
Susan Chandler |
Paul Hubbard |
Robert Gardiner |
Glen R Williams |
Joyce Good |
Stephen Crabtree |
Jill Everett |
Timothy Havel |
Tom Slaughter |
Paul Krumm |
Bob Manizza |
Susan Brown |
George Cammarota |
Karen New Ball |
Kristi Doyne-Bailey |
Adam Nation |
Jean Johnson |
John Chadwick |
Jose A. Soler |
Raul Anorve |
Josephine Lowrey |
Elizabeth Neuse |
judith lienhard |
wendell H williams |
Jim Bearden |
D.V. Leslie-Pringle |
D.C. Leslie-Pringle |
Paul-Mary Draxler |
Joanne Cvar |
Joseph George |
dan kelley |
Gini Lester |
Marian Carter |
Nancy Woolley |
Keith Brooks |
Joseph Alicea |
Joseph Alicea |
Gregory Zensen |
Vic Burton |
Kate Lattimore |
DS Vincent |
Larry Maxwell |
Rosemary Mondo |
Heidi Eastman |
Mike Parsons |
Kenneth Ruby |
Jeff Stack |
Derek Tennant |
Peggy Kacerek |
donna muhs mccarten |
Vern Schafer |
Laurie McGee |
Yvonne Gibbins |
Eliot Miranda |
Chris Berg |
Paula Berry |
Kathleen A. Mireault |
Kathleen A. Mireault |
William Guthrie |
Hari |
Bunny Daubner |
Tom Violett |
Johnnie Sims |
Jacob Novak |
steve davis |
Linette Landa |
Dr Connie Stomper |
Bahram Zandi |
Jon Olsen |
Robin Laurain |
Romi W. Elnagar |
Lou Novak |
Brian Gay |
Haryaksha Gregor Knauer |
Diane Moxley |
Paula Overby |
Rich Whitney |
david johnson |
Michael Pappas |
gail gouveia |
Stuart Levy |
John Anthony La Pietra |
Georgeann Hartzog |
Jacqui Deveneau |
Dennis Hunkler |
Hector Lopez |