Salam from Afghanistan, where the Afghan New Year ( Nao Roz / New Day ) was on the 21st of March. Alas, peace is far away.
We ask for your friendship and time in making a Skype or telephone connection with our Afghan family, the Afghan Peace Volunteers, on Nao Roz or in the next few weeks, to talk about their wishes for the new year, their joy in flying kites, and their hope to build a world free of human borders.
Like people all over the world, the Afghan Peace Volunteers are so tired of war.
We are therefore determined to build relationships to abolish war.
VIDEO: Afghan Peace Volunteers Global Call to Abolish All Wars
This winter, we built those relationships through service to fellow Afghans, through the duvet project and the street kids program.
We also believe that another immediate way for people to be a strong 99% is to get to know one another through arranging Skype or telephone connections across all borders.
We wish to speak via Skype or telephone with ordinary folk, youth, students, farmers, labourers, teachers, musicians and artists, environmentalists, social workers, indigenous communities, friends and activists from every single country in the world, thus catalyzing the most powerful force in the world – love.
To converse with us, please email
We wish to hear your ‘Borderfree’ voice!
Love from Afghanistan,
Hakim, on behalf of Torpekai, Khalida, Sadaf, Sonia, Zerghuna, Basir, Abdulhai, Ali, Ghulamai, Zekerullah, Faiz, Raz, Khamad, Barath, Feroz and Hikmat, with the Afghan Peace Volunteers
Follow our Twitter : afg_borderfree
VIDEO: Kathy Kelly of Voices for Creative Nonviolence speaks about her experiences in Afghanistan and the Afghan Peace Volunteers