An Oxford debate in late February posed the question: Is Edward Snowden a hero? In an impassioned defense of a patriotism that courageously stands against the abuse of state power, Truthdig columnist Chris Hedges said yes, and by a vote of the those present, won the contest.
Seven others also answered. In the order in which they appear below, the speakers are: Chris Hedges; St. John’s College Standing Committee member Charlie Vaughan; former MI5 intelligence officer and whistle-blower Annie Machon; lawyer and legal analyst for CNN and The New Yorker Jeffrey Toobin; former NSA officer and whistle-blower William Binney; George W. Bush administration Homeland Security Secretary Stewart Baker; former Liberal Democrat MP and British Secretary of State Chris Huhne; and former Obama administration Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs Philip Crowley.
—Posted by Donald Kaufman