Demand Net Neutrality From The FCC!
Sign up to join or organize an action at 6 pm on the evening of Thursday, November 13. Bring your cell phone and in the air to symbolize the Internet and show we are shining the light on the corruption of government. If you don’t have a cell phone, shine flashlights or candles. Bring signs calling for Net Neutrality. Send photos of the action to and tweet them to @FCC, @TomWheelerFCC. @MClyburnFCC, @JRosenworcel. .
Another action: Take a photo of yourself holding a sign that says #RealNetNeutrality, #ReclassifyTheInternet. You can add other messages, e.g. Save the Internet, Equal Access for All, My Voice Matters. Then upload a photo to the campaign page: My Voice Matters.
These are the first two steps of an escalating plan to win Net Neutrality, sign up for updates.
Find an Action In Your Area
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