Above photo: New York Fossil Fuel Divestment Rally, Manhattan, 27 March 2014. ©Adam Welz for 350.org
Global Divestment Day is a world-wide event comprising over 300 events in support of divestment on six continents
NEW YORK – On Friday, February 13, 2015 Global Divestment Day, a historic rally will be held in the Financial District to challenge investors in NYC to divest from fossil fuels and reinvest in the green infrastructure and clean technologies required to transition to a new, green economy.
Our message to investors is: Which side are you on? Are you financing the problem or the solution?
Global Divestment Day is a follow-up to the People’s Climate March and will demonstrate the significance of divestment in the global campaign to stop climate change. Over 300 events will be held on six continents in support of divestment.
For more details on Global Divestment Day, see: http://gofossilfree.org/
To date, over 180 institutions and local governments in the U.S. have committed to divestment. In NYC, Union Theological Seminary, the North Star Fund, Rockefeller Brothers Fund, and the New School pledged to divest from fossil fuels.
The rally is being organized by 350NYC, the local affiliate of 350.org, as well as student and faith-based divestment campaigns. Speakers will include representatives from these campaigns, elected officials, and financial analysts who support divestment.