Above: Restore the 4th Protesters in Atlanta, GA
A Note on Capitalizing on Today’s Incredible Work
Today the American people, the media, and even the NSA itself were made aware of our cause to end unconstitutional surveillance programs like the National Security Agency’s PRISM. Now we must capitalize on that by moving on to Step 2, which is to let them know the next thing they need to be made aware of: This isn’t over.
For now, please bookmark the site, join our mailing list, and maybe consider contributing to the indiegogo.
We know the indiegogo and the website need more details (e.g. our names, duh!), so feel free to bookmark it and hold off your decision on whether to contribute until Saturday when it will have way more concrete information and signs of trustworthiness. If you’d like to take a leap of faith, though, go for it. We’ll love you (even more).
Now the exhausted-but-still-working national Restore the Fourth team moves onto keeping up with our continued press contact, compiling and releasing photos/videos/information from the protests, talking to local organizers about how to move forward, and working with them on defining and promoting our future vision. So please keep in touch, because there is much more to come.
“Official” post-4th press release soon, Monday at the latest.
Thank you so much and keep up the good work everybody,
– Anna, Douglas and the rest of the Restore the Fourth National Organization
P.S. We are very sorry to those who have been in touch with us whose concerns we haven’t been able to address yet, or whose proposals we haven’t followed through on yet, especially our very very hardworking local organizers. Seriously, you all are the best. We truly care about the things that are being brought to our attention but we need a few more days to catch up on everything that isn’t severely urgent.