In a historic move, about 200 Anaheim protestors took the streets today near Stoddard Park, and marched all the way to Disneyland. Other attempts by the anti police brutality movement of Anaheim to march to Disneyland have beenblocked and attacked by police.
Today is the two year anniversary of the back to back execution style murders of Manuel Angel Diaz and Joel Matew Acevedo by Anaheim PD. In addition to these heinous murders, Anaheim PD viciously attacked members of the community for demanding answers and protesting against the killings, letting a dog attack a baby stroller and firing rubber bullets at women and children.
The action started off with multiple speakers, many were family members of victims, and others were representatives of various groups supporting the protest.
Unfortunately, while some of the victims family members were speaking, provocateur Donald Douglas, from the racist and nationalist blog “American Power,” made a shameful appearance, in an attempt to stalk two young women who he harassed at a rally in Murrieta on July 7th.
Luckily (and hilariously), the threat was neutralized.
The march started off on the sidewalk
But quickly moved into the streets.
It was a pleasant surprise for everyone in the march when they reached Disneyland!
After activists gave Disneyland’s courtyard a thorough chalking, and speakers spoke again, some people blocked traffic.
About 30 minutes later, the march headed back to Stoddard park, taking the streets the whole way.
Everyone arrived safely and un-arrested.
Some people may ask, “why Disneyland?” For the answer to this question, we invite you to read this piece by colorlines, entitled “Anaheim and the Disney-Style Rebranding of Deadly Police Violence.”
Today was a big victory for the people of Anaheim, but their problems are far from solved. Criminal cops still roam the streets, killing, harassing and targeting people in Anaheim – specifically people of color. This fight is far from over. Keep your ears to the streets, because this is not the last time you’ll hear from this movement.
Note: Lots of other pictures and video were taken at today’s protest by various citizen media groups. Please check them out for more, and support them!
For live tweets from today’s action, check out @CassandraRules, @acsacollective, @beautifulchaosJ @PMbeers
For LiveStreams from today’s action please visit the following: