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Bloodshed, Tear Gas Bombs And Mudslides: 100 Days Of Dictatorship

Above Photo: Cyclone Yaku recently devastated Peru with flooding and mudslides. AFP 2023 / Jao Yamunaque.

Clau O’Brien Moscoso continues her dispatches from Peru in the wake of a natural disaster and the ongoing coup against President Castillo.

National Strike, Day 75

Perú has plunged into chaos since the December 7th congressional coup that ousted President Pedro Castillo. This past Friday the 17th of March marked 100 days of terror from the Peruvian coup regime, with deaths topping 80 , severely injured over 1000 and political prisoners also over 1000 taken. Protesters from the various provinces and Lima marked the day with vigils to honor the 3 months of the massacre in Ayacucho on March 15th, a march to Barbadillo where President Castillo is held as a political prisoner and demonstrations throughout the capital city and country. We caught up with a delegation from Asillo, Puno to hear why they traveled to the capital city of Lima. The TransOceanic Highway connecting Brazil and Perú runs right across Asillo. Since December 11th, there has been a total blockade there, not allowing any commerce into or out of Brazil. There have also been devastating huaicos (mudslides) due to the cyclone season affecting the North of Peru and various parts of Lima, to which the coup regime has responded with little urgency.

What is your name? Where are you coming from and why did you come to Lima?

My name is Simeone, I am the representative of this delegation for the second chance here in Lima. We are from the Asillo district, in the province of Azángaro in the department of Puno. In other words, speaking of the whole of Peru, it is the south of Peru. We are here mainly because we have a genocidal and murderous government that has taken many lives from us. There in the department of Puno in Juliaca, which is in another province, they have killed our peasants, our professionals, our young people, and entrepreneurs. All of them are in deep pain and right now the government, which is headed by Dina Boluarte, constantly mocks the Peruvian people. And the Peruvian people have been demanding their rights, but nevertheless, as president, she does not solve anything, she simply mocks us. So, (we want it to be known) that we are not going to faint, our struggle is going to persist from there in our region of Puno. Why? So that we can accomplish our goal. Our goal is for Dina Boluarte to resign with her neoliberal policy, to have a definitive end in our region of Peru.

Why did you participate in the march on International Working Women’s Day?

My name is Berta and I also come from the Asillo district, in Azángaro, Puno. We have come with a single objective. Dina Boluarte does not represent us; the one who represents us is Professor Pedro Castillo. But I don’t know what happened before, the betrayals have been political. Why do I say that? Before, I said that Pedro Castillo and Dina Boluarte ate from the same spoon, but now what is happening? You can’t even trust your own shadow. The corrupt upper class political life – I don’t know how many millions that bloody murderer (has accepted), I say that because they have killed more than 60 of us and human rights (the UN) says nothing. On March 8, International Women’s Day, we were here in the capital and Dina Boluarte did not make any announcement at all. And it causes us (pain) for all the women who voted for Pedro Castillo. But the betrayal that this bloody murderer Dina Boluarte has given us… We totally disagree and we are supporting the more than 60 deceased that the other countries that do not support us and say nothing. Simply for this reason we have come to obtain the immediate resignation of Dina Boluarte. We also want the change for a new constitution. We have awakened thanks to Professor Pedro Castillo, now we are no longer passive now more than ever we are going to fight for our future. If not, Peru will no longer be Peru. That is why I want to call upon the conscience of all of Peru. Let’s be aware. Lima itself, thanks to the provinces, those from Lima can live like this; thanks to the department of Puno, for its natural cheeses, for its quinoa, for its totally natural kañiwa. And we have come with our own resources. For example, I have left my mother who is over 80 years old, for transparency’s sake. We want democracy, not dictatorship! It is the reason that we are here in the capital, we are going to (fight) until she resigns.

Simoene: In addition, we as Southerners express our solidarity with the North of Peru, we express our solidarity with the cones of Lima. Because somehow natural disasters can visit anywhere in the world. But to that we also point out that there is money in the budget, but it has gone to the police bonuses for the murderers, another million simply so that they (congress members) can eat first class, as they say, there are another million soles for communications, it would be 22 million soles right there, apart from what the budget for disasters is. All this should serve for the civil defense of these areas. But it is not.

What do the young people of your district say?

I am Iván, I am 26 years old, I come to represent the youth of my district of Asillo. We as young people think that for many years rulers have lied to us, they have mocked us, they are living with corruption, they are liars. Since I have the use of reason, there have been presidents who have entered and stolen the wealth, that is, the opportunities of many young people. They have negotiated international treaties with legal contracts with companies that exploit our raw materials; we are simply a raw material exporting country. And we as young people think that in the 21st century we can transform these resources and today there are no such opportunities. We come to Lima to change and propose these new ideas to the government. Democratically we have won these elections together with President Castillo, but (they have enacted) a coup d’état by Congress that has overthrown our representative. And on this day, we have come to say that our vote (should be) respected, to give voice to our thought, and to say that new ways of thinking must be respected, to the new alternatives that the young people of The Andes, of Puno, have.

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