Above Photo: From PopularResistance.org.
WASHINGTON – A group of 19 civil liberties organizations from across the political spectrum this morning issued a letter to the White House and Congress urging lawmakers to oppose the final “conferenced” version of a dangerous cyber bill that experts say will dramatically expand government surveillance while failing to make us safer from cyber attacks.
Click here to view the letter and complete list of signers as a PDF.
“The final version of this bill is an insult to the public and puts all of us in greater danger of cyber attacks and government surveillance,” said Evan Greer, campaign director of Fight for the Future, who organized the letter, “This was already a fundamentally flawed piece of legislation, and now even the meager privacy protections it provided have been gutted, exposing it for what it really is: a bill to dramatically expand abusive government spying.”
The text of the letter is copied below. Signers include prominent civil liberties groups ranging from the American Library Association, Fight for the Future, Demand Progress, and Free Press Education Fund to FreedomWorks, Campaign for Liberty, and R-Street.