Fed Up Fridays will be a nationally synchronized ongoing action taking place at Federal Reserve Bank buildings and “too big to jail” banks across the country.
Fed Up Friday is a new ongoing action to illuminate the Federal Reserve, its role in the issues that effect our communities the most, and to discuss the solutions we will propose/demand throughout this campaign. The messaging for this month will be Valentine’s Day/love themed, and we will illuminate issues about unemployment/jobs. These events will be synchronized with all participating Fed Up cities across the country, providing networking opportunities for people from all corners of the political spectrum.
We will need all hands on deck to bring the creative energy and organize light brigades, Illuminators, artists, speakers, livestreamers etc for local actions like the ones we held on December 23rd at Federal Reserve buildings and big banks across the country.
The protests will shine a light on institutions that exercise power in complete darkness. The project was announced on Monday December 23, when FedUp100, a new nationwide coalition of activists from across the political spectrum “Illuminated The Fed” at the 12 Federal Reserve buildings accross the country. In their press release they said “Congress created the Federal Reserve one hundred years ago, and FedUp100 demands that Congress end the Federal Reserve as a private entity. We say a century is enough! The function of controlling the money supply in the United States should reside with the American people, as provided for us in the U.S. Constitution.”
They are planning twitter storms next week when the new Federal Reserve Chair, Janet Yellen gets her first hearing before the House Financial Services Committee on Feb. 11, ostensibly about monetary policy but in reality about whatever members feel like discussing. She testifies again, before the Senate Banking Committee, on Feb. 13.
There are event pages for Fed Up Fridays on Facebook.
FedUp100 Fan Page: https://www.facebook.com/100fedup?ref=br_tf
Fed Up Friday NYC: https://www.facebook.com/events/599511003459082/
Fed Up Friday DC (in case you want to promote that as well so we can attract people to the page and they can organize the event locally): https://www.facebook.com/events/211057689088136/
Regarding the two twitter storms next week during Janet Yellen’s first 2 hearings since being sworn in as the new Fed Chair. On Tuesday Feb 11th we will storm the Twitter-verse w/ a flood of tweets to tell the new Fed Chair Janet Yellen that We The People are FED UP and we demand a more just system that serves the 99% NOT Wall Street!
#Fedup #illuminatethefed
@FedUpNewYork @FedUpSanFran @FinancialCmte
Feb 11th: https://www.facebook.com/events/257947417714292/?source=3&source_newsfeed_story_type=regular
Feb 13th: https://www.facebook.com/events/573537399397335/?source=3&source_newsfeed_story_type=regular