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Freedom Rider: Endless Propaganda

Above Photo: Popular Resistance

Note: We are on the road and the people who we are staying with get the New York Times. On the top right, above the fold – the prime position for top news – was an article about how Russia was trying to influence Trump’s advisers. My reaction was this was something every nation would do and should not be a big story. It was really non-news. Buried more deeply in the paper was an article about how European countries were trying to influence Trump to tilt them in their direction. Why wasn’t that on the front page? Why is Russia treated differently? Why aren’t we hearing about how many conversations Trump advisers had with Saudi Arabian’s or with Europeans? My guess is there were more with people from those countries than with Russians, but that would undermine the RussiaGate story. KZ

The Big Lie works. The Democrat/War Party concocts several howling lies per week, amplifies them endlessly in the corporate media, and then repeats the process the next week with a new batch of lies against targeted states and Donald Trump’s associates. Meanwhile, the Democrats offer absolutely nothing of substance. They want “to get back into power without presenting any policies that the people want to see enacted.”

“The lying has gone into overdrive.”

The cover of the latest issue of TIME magazine has an image almost identical to one that appeared in the satirical MAD magazine. The juxtaposition of comedy with alleged seriousness shows the intensity of propaganda emanating from corporate media and others among the ruling classes.

The object of the inadvertent mimicry is, of course, Russia. No stone is unturned in the attempt to connect the Trump administration with the government of that country. The endless efforts are meant to manipulate millions of people already inundated with levels of Russophobia exceeding that of the Cold War era.

Russia is not the only target of attempts to manufacture consent. In a matter of a few days the corporate media told tall tales that are easily disproven. First, president Trump was accused of giving classified information to the Russian foreign minister. That story was quickly followed by an attempt to blame North Korea for a worldwide computer hack and ransomware attack. Not to be outdone, the media began a new tack of libels against Syrian president Bashir al-Assad. He now stands accused of burning bodies in a facility that is ominously referred to as a crematorium. There is no better way to demonize than to evoke comparisons with Adolph Hitler.

“The war party is out to get Trump and they obviously have people in place to assist with the take down.”

The lying has gone into overdrive. The stories always make the case for two things, support for United States imperialism and the ouster of Donald Trump from office.

It is nonsense to claim that Trump’s discussion of possible ISIS threats was in any way improper or illegal. Of course heads of state and high level officials share classified information all the time. The war party is out to get Trump and they obviously have people in place to assist with the take down.

The Syrian government remains in a never-win situation vis a vis the United States. Every success in defeating the terrorists backed by the United States and its partners in crime is met by a new propaganda initiative. If president Assad isn’t falsely accused of using chemical weapons he is accused of mass murder and burning bodies. The so-called proof consists of satellite photos showing that one portion of Saydnaya prison is warmer than the rest. As peace talks move forward there will always be an anti-Syria story used to make the case for regime change.

North Korea becomes a target just because it continues to exist. It insists upon acting as the sovereign nation that it is and it has as much right to test and produce weapons as the United States does. Unlike the United States, North Korea hasn’t invaded another country, or meddled in others’ affairs. Yet its very existence is presented as a threat.

“As peace talks move forward there will always be an anti-Syria story used to make the case for regime change.”

The Democrats, eager members of the war party, are constantly ratcheting up propaganda of their own. Some members of the Congressional Black Caucus have eagerly played their part. Representative Al Green of Texas was the first to make a call for impeachment from the floor of the House of Representatives. If Green can call for Trump’s impeachment he ought to lead the fight against Republican voter suppression. That tactic has deprived thousands of black Americans of the franchise and probably led to Hillary Clinton’s loss in key states. Green and his CBC colleagues don’t think that particular aspect of the Trump victory is worthy of discussion. They have been reduced to party hacks who take direction from their corrupt superiors. They are equally complicit in the Democratic Party’s subterfuge and make a mockery of black voters’ near unanimous support.

In any case, the cry for impeachment is a bait and switch for the Democrats. They would prefer to have Trump to kick around and run against in 2018 and 2020. A hamstrung president is far more useful to them than an establishment figure like Mike Pence. Pence would deflate the shallow so-called resistance movement largely because he isn’t Donald Trump. Democratic wannabe revolutionaries would then go back to sleep without a bogeyman to keep them frightened. Using Trump as a punching bag is the only option that allows them to end their string of electoral failures.

“Now that Trump and his team have been stymied and the masses have been distracted the status quo reigns supreme.”

The Democrats desire to damage Trump does not come from any desire to bring about true change for the millions of people who vote for them. It is a ruse used to do several things all at once. They make the case for American hegemony, distract their voters by making themselves appear to fight for them and throw a wrench into Trump’s stated desire to change some of the foreign policy narrative. Now that Trump and his team have been stymied and the masses have been distracted the status quo reigns supreme.

The would be resisters are playing a dangerous game. The war party wants to keep Trump from deviating from their script of endless conflict. The Democrats want to get back into power without presenting any policies that the people want to see enacted. The kabuki theater of an uninformed, ill prepared, bigoted president versus people who want to get rid of him, but not for the right reasons, is fascinating drama. But none of the parties involved want to bring justice and peace. That is left for the masses of people, a true resistance which must oppose them all.

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