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Iceland Jails Some Bankers

The former CEO of Kaupþing, former chairman of the board of Kaupþing, former CEO of Kaupþing Luxembourg and former owner of 10% of Kaupþing all got sentenced to prison today by the supreme court of Iceland, reports Kjarninn.

Former CEO Hreiðar Már Sigurðsson recieved five and a half years, minus time already spent in custody. Magnús Guðmundsson former CEO of Kaupþing Luxembourg and Ólafur Ólafsson former 10% owner of Kaupþing got harsher senteces than in Reykjavík District Court, both getting four and a half years.

Former chairman of the board Sigurður Einarsson, hower, got four years. In a live interview on RÚV this evening the chairman slurred his words, with many taking to social media in outrage over his alleged drunkenness.

In the court’s opinion, the four conspired to conceal the fact that one of the investors in Kaupthing, Mohammad Bin Khalifa Al-Thani, owned his 5.01% stake in the bank thanks to money lent to him by the bank itself. Investigations into the four go back to the Icelandic bank crash of autumn 2008. In the wake of a report on the contributing causes of the crash from the Special Investigative Commission, the Special Prosecutor’s Office was created. The office targeted many top bank officials from Glitnir and Kaupthing.

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