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Elbit Out Of South Carolina Exposes Government Complicity In Genocide

Ladson, SC - January 2, 2025 –  On Thursday, North Charleston Police arrested a local artist participating in a picket of Elbit Systems at their facility in Ladson. The protester is part of the group Elbit Out of SC, a coalition of local organizations and concerned citizens upset with the company’s role in the ongoing genocide in Palestine. For months the coalition has picketed the facility, canvassed nearby neighborhoods, and spoken out at Charleston County Council meetings to raise awareness about the weapons Elbit Systems is producing in our community.

How Fascism Came

President-elect Donald Trump does not herald the advent of fascism. He heralds the collapse of the veneer that masked the corruption within the ruling class and their pretense of democracy. He is the symptom, not the disease. The loss of basic democratic norms began long before Trump, which paved the road to an American totalitarianism. Deindustrialization, deregulation, austerity, unchecked predatory corporations, including the health-care industry, wholesale surveillance of every American, social inequality, an electoral system that is plagued by legalized bribery, endless and futile wars, the largest prison population in the world, but most of all feelings of betrayal, stagnation and despair, are a toxic brew that culminate in an inchoate hatred of the ruling class and the institutions they have deformed to exclusively serve the rich and the powerful.

The Eighth Continent Is The Continent Of Sleaze

The eighth continent is the Continent of Sleaze. You and I have never been there, only heard rumours about it. On that continent, there are rivers of money in which corporate executives bathe and from which they extract whatever they want in order to increase their power, privilege, and property. The corporate executives venture out to lay their hands on the wealth of the world and carry it back to their Continent of Sleaze. What remains is dust and shadows, barely enough for people to survive so that they can continue to labour and produce more social wealth for the Continent of Sleaze.

Top Israeli Court Rejects Netanyahu’s Request To Delay Criminal Trial

The Jerusalem District Court rejected on 13 November a request made by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to delay his testimony in his corruption trial by 10 weeks. The court said the premier has already had five months to prepare for his testimony, which is scheduled for 2 December. “We were not convinced that a substantial change in circumstances has occurred which would justify a change to the date we set in our [original] decision.” As a result, Netanyahu will be forced to take the stand. Hours prior to the court ruling, a representative of the Israeli State Attorney’s Office, Yehudit Tirosh, said the “prime minister can’t dictate the schedule for his trial and testimony.”

COP29 CEO Caught Facilitating Oil And Gas Deals During Climate Summit

Chief Executive Officer of the United Nations COP29 Climate Change Conference Elnur Soltanov has been recorded by Global Witness apparently agreeing to help facilitate fossil fuel industry deals at the summit, reported The Guardian. A member of the campaign organization posed as a fake oil and gas representative offering to sponsor the event in exchange for assistance with the deals. “COP29 officials abused their positions by facilitating talks about oil and gas deals at a climate conference, pitching a dystopian future which includes fossil fuels ‘perhaps forever,’” a spokesperson for Global Witness said in a press release. “Petrostates are perfecting a sinister playbook which sees COP as just another business opportunity for polluters.”

Promise Of Change In Puerto Rico

With each passing day, Puerto Rico sinks deeper into a neoliberal process that threatens its very existence. From the purely geological issue, with supposed legal approvals for construction in coastal locations that involve the removal of mangroves and corals that are the natural barriers against coastal erosion, to the displacement of communities that give way to luxury housing for millionaire foreigners. There is a replacement of our population. Basic health and education services are almost nonexistent. In short, life in Puerto Rico has become very difficult. While our central problem is the colonial state, it is imperative to stop this destructive bleeding.

Eric Adams And The Death Of Black Politics

We at Black Agenda Report were always skeptical that Black people would make any progress under the administration of New York City mayor Eric Adams. In our 2021 article, Elections and the Illusion of Black Political Power, this columnist wrote, “Adams speaks favorably of the business community, hence the campaign haul, and real estate developers and other wealthy New Yorkers made clear he was their choice. Fundraising prowess is always an indication that the people’s needs will not be met.” Two and one half years later, Adams not only proved BAR’s analysis of his politics to be correct, but his administration is dangling by a thread.

Boeing Pleads Guilty To Criminal Fraud: The Continuing 737 Max Saga

Boeing has agreed to plead guilty to a criminal fraud charge regarding the two crashes of 737 Max airplanes that caused the death of 346 passengers on two flights: a Lion Air flight out of Indonesia in October 2018 and an Ethiopian Airlines flight in March 2019. Though Boeing had tried hard to convince the world that these accidents occurred due to poorly trained pilots in the third world, there was overwhelming evidence that Boeing had made significant changes to the flight control systems while hiding them from the US Federal Aviation Administration and the concerned airlines. The Seattle Times, which has done the most work in detailing the cause of the crashes and the failure of Boeing and the federal aviation regulator, described the settlement, “The plea deal… calls for Boeing to pay an additional $243.6 million fine.

Hunter Biden’s Charge Of Lying Under Oath

One reads regularly in the mainstream media, when events force them to report on the question, that the U.S. House Oversight Committee has hit a wall as it investigates Hunter Biden’s schemes to leverage his father’s power and Joe Biden’s potentially impeachable role in his son’s unseemly doings. The House hearings have stalled, or fizzled, or reached a dead end: This has been the standard theme in corporate media for months now. “Wouldn’t you know it,” Michael Goodwin asked in The New York Post as far back as March, “CNN, The Washington Post, The New York Times, Politico and others on the left all reached exactly the same conclusion at the same time.”

How A Network Of Nonprofits Enriches Fundraisers

In September 2020, the Federal Trade Commission joined regulators in four states to sue four men behind a notorious telemarketing company called Outreach Calling. The FTC alleged that the company, which it described as a “sprawling fundraising operation,” had raised millions on the promise of helping the needy — cancer patients, veterans, firefighters — but instead used the money to line its pockets. The case was meant to put fundraisers on notice. The FTC would not only go after charities that improperly spent donor dollars, but it would “aggressively pursue their fundraisers who participate in the deception,” a news release said.

State Agency Met Privately With Oil-By-Rail Firm Ahead Of Permitting

Oregon state environmental regulators are deciding whether to issue an air permit for a contested oil-by-rail operation in Portland, a site that received local approval after a deal worked out in private between the company and city officials. Now, new documents show that the state agency also met privately with the company before the application was submitted.  The agency said the meeting was informational and involved no commitments. But for groups that oppose oil-by-rail in Portland, the documents add to the sense that multiple layers of government are favoring the company’s interests over public health and safety. 

What Dollar General Doesn’t Want You To Know

Dollar General is stealing from its customers. It’s a major scam that’s siphoning hundreds of millions of dollars from the poorest people in America. In a new More Perfect Union video, ILSR Co-Director Stacy Mitchell explains how the chain’s business models rips people off. “I’ve begun to really see Dollar General as a criminal organization,” Stacy warns.

Is Former De Facto Prime Minister Ariel Henry Now A De Facto Prisoner?

Ariel Henry, 74, once the king on Haiti’s chessboard, has now become a pawn of the U.S. in its increasingly desperate bid to send a proxy intervention force into the rebelling Caribbean nation. This is the picture Haïti Liberté has received from a well-placed source with intimate access into and knowledge of the U.S. government. Washington is now scrambling for way to send a “quick reaction force” into Haiti, and Ariel Henry remains one of their most important bargaining chips, the source says. After his chartered jet landed in Puerto Rico on Mar. 5, the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) interrogated Henry for three days, according to our source.

Impeachment: A Rapid Succession Of Events

It has been an eventful few weeks as the House Oversight Committee proceeds with its hearings on the case for impeaching President Joe Biden for his alleged participation in the influence-mongering schemes of his 54–year-old son, Hunter. At issue is whether Joseph R. Biden, Jr., during his years as vice president and in the interim before he assumed the presidency in January 2021, was corruptly  involved in Hunter’s various ventures and misadventures to his own benefit and/or the benefit of various family members.

Ukraine: The Government And Population Are Increasingly Diverging

On February 6, the Verkhovna Rada (national legislature) of Ukraine voted to endorse the decree issued by President Volodomyr Zelensky to extend martial law for another 90 days. The new decree prolongs martial law until May 13, 2024. This definitively settles that there will be no presidential election in Ukraine by March 31, 2024, the anniversary date of Zelensky’s election in 2019 on a five-year mandate. The Rada likely faces a similar extension of its five-year mandate, which is supposed to expire in July 2024. The election law of Ukraine (English translation here) prohibits holding elections during martial law, and the latter can be prolonged indefinitely provided some semblance of threat can be found and cited.

Urgent End Of Year Fundraising Campaign

Online donations are back! Keep independent media alive. 

Due to the attacks on our fiscal sponsor, we were unable to raise funds online for nearly two years.  As the bills pile up, your help is needed now to cover the monthly costs of operating Popular Resistance.

Urgent End Of Year Fundraising Campaign

Online donations are back! 

Keep independent media alive. 

Due to the attacks on our fiscal sponsor, we were unable to raise funds online for nearly two years.  As the bills pile up, your help is needed now to cover the monthly costs of operating Popular Resistance.

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