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Iraq Veterans, Military Families To Give Bush, Biden Folded Flags And Freedom Medal On Veterans Day

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VP Biden’s Liberty Medal Presentation to George W. Bush is Final Stop of Heart2Heart Tour: Veterans And Their Families Speak Out About Love, War, and Enough Folded Flags

Former VP Joe Biden will present former President George W. Bush with this year’s Liberty Medal at 5:00 pm, Sunday, November 11, at the Constitution Center in Philadelphia, PA, for his commitment to post-9/11 veterans. Heart2Heart Tour leader, Stacy Bannerman, author of Homefront 911, will be at the Constitution Center that afternoon with veterans and their families carrying folded flags for the men responsible for them. Bannerman intends to return the Freedom Medal she got from Bush, an award for the families whose loved ones were sent to a war based on lies.

Women’s EcoPeace is holding a vigil with drums and prayer by Iraq War veteran Eli Painted Crow, including veterans and their families at the Constitution Center starting at 4:00 pm. Women drummers will join the final stop of the cross-country Heart2Heart Tour that kicked off in Los Angeles, CA, on November 2, with stops in Arivaca, AZ, Albuquerque, NM, the Peace Pentagon in Independence, VA, and elsewhere. Tour members will arrive in Philadelphia after participating in the Veterans & Families Silent March in Washington, DC, starting at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial at 9:00 am on November 11. They will be accompanied by members of Military Families Speak Out, Popular Resistance, World Beyond War, CODE PINK, Veterans For Peace, WILPF, and many others.

Bannerman’s now ex-husband served two year-long tours in Iraq, self-medicating his combat trauma with crystal meth, and becoming increasingly violent. Bannerman had to flee her home, losing everything. “I will be in Philadelphia on Veterans Day, without my veteran. I don’t need a medal to remind me of how much freedom I’ve got because of Bush’s illegal war. I’d like to give it back.”

The #Heart2Heart Tour is a project of Women’s EcoPeace.