Nuclear Industry Leading Efforts to Stop Transition to a Clean Energy Economy, Seeks to Make Solar, Wind More Expensive, Subsidize Nuclear and Keep Electricity Prices High
Note: The public favors a clean, sustainable energy future. People know energy from wind and solar can provide the power the country needs and protect the air and water as well as prevent climate change. In addition, the economics of nuclear energy no longer work. Nuclear plants are aging and as a result the cost of nuclear energy is increasing, at the same time the cost of wind and solar is dropping. And the cost of increasing efficiency and conservation drives down the cost of energy. Nuclear energy will become the energy of the past unless the industry can get government to save it by increasing the cost of clean energy sources and subsidizing the cost of nuclear and other dirty energy.
Left to the market and public opinion the future is solar, wind and other clean, sustainable energy sources. A solar and nuclear future is a major shift and the old dirty energy corporations are doing all they can to prevent it. The nuclear industry, in particular is taking actions at all level government to protect their dying industry from extinction. They want to stop efforts to reduce waste and increase efficiency so they can keep electricity prices artificially high. Along with this they seek to subsidize nuclear and dirty energy sources while increasing the cost of clean energy. They also want to be considered a clean energy so that dirty energy corporations can purchase carbon credits by investing in nuclear. Below is a pamphlet from the Nuclear Information and Resource Sources that is a summary of a report they have published on how the nuclear industry is working to undermine solar, wind and other sustainable clean energy sources. The full report is: “Killing the Competition: The Nuclear Power Agenda to Block Climate Action, Stop Renewable Energy, and Subsidize Old Reactors.”
Nuclear is not only a costly source of energy but it is an environmental problem from cradle to grave. The excavation of uranium cannot be done safely and thousands of abandoned mines continue to spread radiation in the air and water. The processing of uranium creates environmental contaminants. And, the operation of nuclear plants is risky in itself as has been seen with several major nuclear incidents and it creates waste that humans do not know how to deal with. Producing nuclear is not carbon free as each stage of the nuclear life cycle creates carbon emissions. Climate justice activists need to be clear — nuclear energy is not a solution to the climate crisis. The solution is a carbon-free, nuclear-free energy economy.
The Nuclear Salvation Gambit
1. Stop wind, solar, & efficiency.
2. New subsidies for old reactors.
3. Rig energy markets & raise prices.
4. Sell carbon credits to coal & natural gas.
The nuclear industry is trying to steal our energy future.
They want new subsidies for old reactors, but the plan goes much farther. Their agenda would block renewable energy, prop up coal and natural gas, and undermine climate action.
Nuclear Power Is in Trouble
The cost of nuclear plants is rising, and the price of electricity has gone down. As a result, five reactors closed in 2013, and more are expected in the coming years.
The economics of new nukes are even worse. Eight were cancelled last year alone.
The opposite is true of climate solutions: wind and solar power, energy efficiency, and conservation.
Nuclear simply can’t compete with them.
Major nuclear corporations like Exelon and Entergy—which run over 1/3 of U.S. reactors—see their days are numbered.
And they want to stop the clock.
What’s Their Plan?
The industry needs to do several things to save itself:
– Reduce competition from lower cost renewable energy sources.
– Limit efficiency upgrades and ensure electricity demand growth.
– Create preferences for inflexible baseload power plants.
– Create new subsidies for old reactors.
These changes would benefit coal and natural gas, as well by: raising market energy prices, limiting competition from sustainable energy, and letting them escape emissions limits by buying carbon credits from nuclear plants.
The Nuclear Playbook to Block Climate Action
Attacks on Renewables: The nuclear industry has ramped up its attacks on renewables and energy efficiency programs, at both the state and federal level.
Federal Programs
– Wind Production Tax Credit
– Energy Efficiency Tax Credit
– Solar Investment Tax Credit
State Programs
– Renewable Energy Standards
– Net Metering
– Efficiency Portfolio Standards
Rigging the Markets: Electricity markets generally favor the lowest cost energy sources. Renewables and efficiency will keep prices down as they grow. Exelon and Entergy want to rewrite market rules to favor “baseload” plants:
– Cut out renewables and conservation
– Minimum price guarantees
– Baseload-first auction rules and capacity markets
– Fuel-supply subsidies
Nuke Subsidy Schemes: The nuclear industry is trying to divert incentives for renewables and/or create new subsidies for existing reactors. The industry is pushing several options for nuclear subsidies:
– “Clean” Energy Standards
– Carbon Trading Programs
– Direct Ratepayer Subsidies
Ideally, they want to corrupt carbon reduction programs to let nuclear sell emissions credits to coal and gas plants.
Don’t Nuke the Climate!
We can address climate change and meet our energy needs, affordably and sustainably. But not the nuclear industry’s way. If Exelon and Entergy succeed, it will divert billions of dollars from sustainable energy to nuclear power.
– Cut off our best climate solutions.
– Rig energy economics to protect dirty energy sources.
– Tie fossil fuels and nuclear together in carbon trading and offset schemes.
Read the full report: “Killing the Competition: The Nuclear Power Agenda to Block Climate Action, Stop Renewable Energy, and Subsidize Old Reactors.”