Above Photo: Brian G. Kennedy/Flickr
The following communique was submitted anonymously and originally posted to the Earth First! Journal Newswire.
It reads:
On Nov. 19th, action was taken on the invisible border of Wisconsin and Minnesota to halt and block the movement of oil trains to and from one of the refineries on Lake Superior, near the Namadji River. This was done by “tricking” the sensor system on the rails to “believing” there was a train already present on the tracks, thus impeding the way for oil to be transported via railroad for many hours. Our actions today are in solidarity with all those fighting to oppose the racist & colonial Enbridge Line 3, but especially, today of all days, we are in solidarity with the Youth Climate Interveners!
We did not expect the Public Utilities Commission (PUC) to honor the treaties, listen to Indigenous voices or stand with Indigenous peoples & support their traditional life ways-that exist outside of any colonial law- as they have NOT typically done ANY of these things during most of the Line 3 permitting process & general struggle!
These trains carry massive amounts of oil across mother earth and must also be stopped for the sake of the generations that follow. In conjunction, there was a massive & caustic oil refinery explosion in Superior Wi, not so many months ago in the spring of 2018, and people and other animals are and will be still suffering negative health effects from the fall-out for the rest of their lives… this is UNACCEPTABLE and we say ENOUGH and NEVER AGAIN; Husky oil Refinery & Enbridge MUST BE STOPPED.
This is one of many actions & we say, “fuck the PUC, fuck Enbridge, & fuck these fake-ass politicians…. direct action always gets the goods!