Campaign again calls on Government to abolish domestic water charges
Trade unions affiliated to Right2Water demand referendum to enshrine public ownership of water in Constitution
Following today’s massive National Demonstration which saw well over 80,000 people from all over Ireland converge on Dublin to assert their Right2Water, the Right2Water campaign has again called on the Government to abolish domestic water charges.
The trade unions affiliated to the campaign are also calling for a referendum to be held following abolition of the charges to enshrine public ownership of our water in the Constitution.
Speaking at today’s event, CWU General Secretary Steve Fitzpatrick announced the wording of a proposed constitutional amendment to enshrine water in public ownership in the Constitution following abolition of domestic water charges.
A new Article 28 section 4:2:1 would be inserted to read:
“The Government shall be collectively responsible for the protection, management and maintenance of the public water system. The Government shall ensure in the public interest that this resource remains in public ownership and management.”
This wording will form part of the draft water management policy outline due to be presented by the trade unions affiliated to Right2Water (CPSU, CWU, Mandate, Opatsi and Unite) at their forthcoming May Day Conference.