Three days of arrest in Madison Wisconsin. Many of the arrest videos, blogs and some memes are linked into this post…the crime continues to be singing!
Above photo: This is a member of Veterans For Peace Madison Wisconsin Chapter. Can you imagine that he ever thought that putting his life on the line for OUR freedom would result to this State Oppression? Do you think he is ready to fight for his country again? We believe that the answer would be NO! But we are more than confident that he is ready to fight a war for his fellow man. L-I-V-E From The Proud State Of Wisconsin 7-25-13
The Madison chapter of the National Lawyers Guild writes that the state is distorting the court’s ruling in order to justify arrests. In their press release, they say, “All the singers and others present arrested Wednesday were charged with violating an administrative code provision that describes what kind of activity would justify a declaration of an “unlawful event” by Capitol Police. Yet no access was blocked to any part of the building, and no violence, threats of violence or any interference with the operations of state government during the lunch hour singing was observed during the event, which has continued for over two years every weekday in or outside the Capitol. The tickets merely listed “No Permit” as the basis for getting a citation, and when citizens asked why they were being arrested, Capitol police, state troopers and DNR wardens told them they would “find out downstairs,” but no further explanation was offered. Agents of the Wisconsin Dept. of Justice Criminal Investigations unit were called in to help process the large number of people arrested.”
Arrest Video Veteran For Peace 7-25-13:
Arrest Video, Mother and young daughter:
Arrest Video, She Continues to sing:
More videos:
Aggressive Police Video from Thursday July 24:
Arrest video of 80 year old man and woman as they raise their fist to the air:
Civil Disobedience video here:
Arrest Video:
Arrest Video from 7-24-13:
Priest suffers heart attack during arrest for singing:
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