Battle Creek, Michigan – MICATS activist Chris Wahmhoff who was facing felony charges for crawling into pipeline line 6B on his 35th birthday earlier this summer has had all charges against him dropped. He remained in the pipe for ten hours in an effort to shut down the expansion of Enbridge’s line 6b pipeline. The crowd of supporters at the Calhoun county courtroom erupted in applause jumping up and cheering when the judge approved his motion to quash the charges brought against him. The pipeline caused the largest inland oil spill in the United States history according to the E.P.A spilling more than a million barrels of tar sands bitumen into the Kalamazoo river. Wahmhoff recently announced his bid to run for the U.S senate seat currently held by Senator Carl Levin. The prosecutor could refile or appeal, although since there’s not much more evidence to present, it is not expected to happen.
This is a developing story and will be updated as more information comes in.
Update: Wahmhoff’s misdemeanor charge of trespassing is still valid.