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And finding a path forward.
This week on Love (and Revolution) Radio, we speak with Larry Spotted Crow Mann about his book, The Mourning Road to Thanksgiving, and dive into the history, truths, myths, and complex story of Thanksgiving so that we can all step up to the plate of acknowledging our history and committing to change in the present.
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About Our Guest:
Larry Spotted Crow Mann is citizen of the Historical Nipmuc Tribe of Massachusetts. He is a internationally acclaimed writer, poet, cultural educator, Traditional Story Teller, tribal drummer /dancer and motivational speaker involving youth sobriety, cultural and environmental awareness. Mann is also a board member of the Nipmuk Cultural Preservation ,which is an organization set up to promote the cultural, social and spiritual needs of Nipmuc people as well an educational resource of Native American studies. He travels throughout the United States, Canada and parts of Europe to schools, colleges, pow wows and other organizations sharing the music, culture and history of Nipmuc people. He has also given lectures at universities throughout New England on issues ranging from Native American Sovereignty to Identity.
Related Links:
Larry Spotted Crow Mann
The Mourning Road to Thanksgiving
Tales From the Whispering Basket
God Is Red by Vine Deloria Jr.
Oceti Sakowin Camp, Standing Rock Water Protectors, and #NoDAPL
Where to Invade Next by Michael Moore
Music by: “Love and Revolution” by Diane Patterson and Spirit Radio
About Your Co-hosts:
Sherri Mitchell (Penobscot) is an Indigenous rights attorney, writer and activist who melds traditional life-way teachings into spirit-based movements. Follow her at Sherri Mitchell – Wena’gamu’gwasit:
Rivera Sun is a novelist and nonviolent mischief-maker. She is the author of The Dandelion Insurrection, Billionaire Buddha, and Steam Drills, Treadmills, and Shooting Stars. She is also the social media coordinator and nonviolence trainer for Campaign Nonviolence and Pace e Bene. Her essays on social justice movements are syndicated on by PeaceVoice, and appear in Truthout and Popular Resistance.