Veterans For Peace and the Veterans Challenge Islamophobia campaign are participating in the We Are All America week of action from January 27th through February 3rd to protest the one-year anniversary of the first iteration of the Muslim Ban and show solidarity with those still impacted by the current bans on people from nine Muslim-majority nations and refugees.
Although all versions of the ban have been ruled to be discriminatory by multiple courts, Muslim Ban 3.0 is currently in effect and is causing heartbreak for American families and their relatives abroad.
The Trump administration has also cracked down on refugee admissions by instituting more burdensome screening requirements, lowering the United States’ annual refugee cap to 45,000, and proposing more limits on family reunification.
Veterans For Peace, Veterans Challenge Islamophobia and countless other local and national Muslim, immigrant, refugee, and civil rights organizations have joined together to keep up the public pressure and media coverage to stop the Muslim and refugee bans now. January 27th is a critical date, as people and policy makers across the country remember the actions they took that day and can be challenged to recommit to solidarity with Muslims, refugee, and all people targeted by this administration.

Attend the January 27th mobilization in Washington, DC.For those of you not in DC, find events in your area here and here, or organize your own event and register it here.
Tell Your Story
If you or anyone in your life has been affected by the Muslim ban or refugee ban, submit your story to the ACLU’s storytelling project.
Share why you oppose the Muslim or refugee ban on social media, tag Veterans Challenge Islamophobia, and use the hashtag #VetsSpeakOut
Mobilize Your Community
Meet with your Members of Congress when they’re in their state and district offices from January 22nd to January 28th. Request to meet with them or their staff. Let them know your opposition to the continual Muslim and refugee bans. Click here for a toolkit on setting up a meeting with your Members of Congress and building an advocacy team.
Urge local officials to pass a Welcoming Resolution affirming its support for refugees and Muslims at the one year anniversary. Challenge your local leaders to go further in 2018, making your community a “Certified Welcoming” city through Welcoming America’s new certification process.
Write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper or an opinion editorial. Describe how the bans negatively impact your communities, the many contributions that Muslims and refugees make to your communities and how the bans foster misunderstanding and hate. Click here to view sample letters you can send and here for more resources.
Want More Ideas? View the full toolkit here.
Veterans For Peace Chapters and Members – Email challenge@veteransforpeace.org to let us know how you are participating or to get more information on organizing and events near you.