The same battle extreme energy extraction is being fought throughout the United States, Canada, indeed all over the world. This is a movie about the conflict in Australia.
There are still some clean places on earth, but for how long?
Broome is located in the far remote Kimberley region, which is the last great Wilderness of Australia.
This is where Colin Barnett, Premier of Western Australia, and the multibillionair oil & gas company, Woodside, decided to settle the second largest LNG precinct of the planet.
Broome citizens and the traditional custodians of the land – the Goolaraboloo – united together to protect what is priceless to them…
The movie website includes the following petition:
Tell WA Premier Barnett, Minister for Environment Burke, and Senator Brown that you don’t want unwanted industrial development on the Dampier Peninsula wilderness.
Please read the letter below, fill in your personal details and copy/paste it in the area text below, then send it to the WA Premier Barnett, Minister for Environment Burke, and Senator Brown. You can add greater impact by personalising the contents of the email.
Dear Mr Barnett, Mr Burke and Mr Brown
I am writing to you because I am concerned about your proposals to bring heavy industry in support of a Liquid Natural Gas processing plant and deep water port to the Dampier Peninsula.
Dampier Peninsula is a location of rich cultural and environmental treasures. It is the ancestral home of the Bardi people who belong to the world’s oldest continuing culture. The area is rich in sites of great significance to them, much of which stands to be defiled or degraded as a result of industrial development.
Experience also tells us that once infrastructure of the type which you are proposing is set in place, that this opens the gates to further expansion and increased destruction. The result will be cultural degradation for the Bardi people. A people cannot be separated from their culture.
The peninsula supports a vast abundance of wildlife and vegetation, some of which is totally unique to the region and much of which is also threatened. The coastal waters and beaches are home to Dugong, a variety of marine turtle species – many of which are threatened – and perhaps the world’s most significant calving waters for Humpback Whales. There is an intrinsic value to these things which far outweighs money in the pockets of a few for a brief period of time.
This wealth of natural and cultural values offers a wealth of educational, eco and adventure tourism opportunities which not only supports a vibrant local economy in towns such as Broome and Derby but also brings a sustainable living to an increasing number of indigenous people in the region. Visitors to the region are greatly enriched by their experiences there. Heavy industry does not offer a sustainable way forward for indigenous people as they will be merely sidelined from employment in heavy industry, which has so often proven to be the case in the past.
I, like a great many others feel that your plans threaten permanent damage to this ancient wilderness region, making winners of very few in the short term and losers out of a great many more forever.
I don’t believe that enough scientific research has taken place on the peninsula for you to be able to offer credible assurances that your proposals will not be damaging to the region. I therefore call on you to rule out any industrial development in this special part of the Kimberley, Dampier Peninsula.
Yours Sincerely,