The Resistance Report Week in Review collects all of the Resistance Report segments from the previous week and rolls them into one big show. You’ll find links to the individual episodes below.
TPP v. Democracy
Last week, legislation to fast track a vote on the Trans Pacific Partnership was introduced in Congress.
The Campaign to End All War
In this interview with David Swanson, we discuss a campaign, still in its planning stages, to eliminate “the institution of war as an acceptable enterprise for the human species.” (watch)
We Need A Democracy Movement To Fix This Shit
I mean, when corporations are f*cking people the fact is that corporations are going to f*ck people. Excuse my French. (watch)
4 Reasons To Hold George W. Bush Accountable For War Crimes
I am not sure what it says about our culture when six figure speaker fees are awarded to War Criminals, but that is what happened in New York City on Monday, January 13 when George W. Bush took a break from his retirement and rigorous painting schedule and took his Texas swagger on stage as the keynote speaker at the National Retail Federation’s Big Show. (watch)
The Toxic Chemical Spill Crisis in West Virginia Will Happen Again. Here’s Why
This is America, where choosing between corporate profits or the needs of the people are a simple choice, one that gets made over and over again: profits trump people. (watch)
The Resistance Report is now fully commercial free and viewer supported.