Lee Stewart, a 28 year old faster wise beyond his years, wrote: “To fast is absurd.” But as Gandhi said: “Fasting is the purest form of prayer.”
The other day was hot on the sidewalk in front of FERC, I was talking with a guy I dislike – he dominates conversation and is loud and bombastic. He mentioned something about money in the middle of our conversation, but I got so tired of him after 15 minutes I got up and, so as not to appear impolite, distributed fliers to passersby on the sidewalk. He continued talking to another faster, but when he decided to leave, I asked if he was serious about donating money. He hemmed and hawed, but we talked for a minute about the $1000 BXE wanted to give to Lincoln Temple, the very poor African American Church which generously has been providing us space for sleeping. He left, and I forgot about him. But half an hour later he returned and gave me an envelope with $1000 in cash. “Use this for whatever BXE needs.” We’ve given it to the minister of Lincoln Temple.
On Thursday twenty year old Berenice Tomkins, a college student, went into the “open” FERC commissioners meeting, which does not allow public comment. The five polished FERC Commissioners are the corrupt decision makers in this powerful regulatory agency which makes life and death decisions for communities and people all over the country. Most of us are not allowed entry because we have disrupted meetings in the past, but this was Berenice’s first time, so she got in. She wasn’t sure what to do and waited through the incomprehensible conversations of the Commissioners, which in a coded language talk about decisions already made behind closed doors. When they started talking about forest fire mitigation she could no longer hold her tongue. She stood up and with a twenty year old’s strong voice took over the meeting: ” What are you talking about? It’s your policies which are creating the climate crisis, and you can’t mitigate the fires without talking about the climate crisis?” She talked for a minute or so until until FERC Security grabbed her arm and dragged her out. She was crying and proud as she came out.
As we were passing out fliers and attempting to engage FERC workers on their way into the building, a female security guard in an adjacent building next to FERC told us : “I wish everyone had your kind of courage.”
Many people, FERC employees and passersby, walk past and ignore us. But many also stop and talk, ask what we are doing, give us a victory signs, say “Thanks” or “God bless you”, ask for a flier, or simply smile. Many have also stopped and asked probing and important questions, thanking us when they leave. A group of students from a nearby high school in a peace studies class came by, and wanted to learn more. We took them with us to CNN headquarters which is next door to FERC. We were trying to deliver a letter to CNN asking for the moderator of CNN sponsored Republican Presidential debate to ask the candidates about climate change. CNN refused to talk with us or accept the letter. So on the way out, in the fancy cavernous and echoing CNN lobby we chanted “CNN: Ask about climate change,” giving these youngsters a small taste of real world activism.
So where does all of this lead? What will all the people we have touched in various ways, all of the silent people who have walked past but read our signs saying “Day 12 of 18 Day Hunger Strike, all the police, all the FERC employees, and others – what will they do with this? Is our fast an absurd prayer which they will hear and which will touch their hearts? Will it enable them to see outside of the suicidal trance many still inhabit and which most world leaders, including our own, still embrace?
On September 24 Pope Francis speaks to the US Congress. On the next day, with the help of some clergy, we are planning a ceremony/action at noon in which we will attempt to deliver to Commissioner Bay five copies of the Pope’s encyclical, Laudato Si (Care for Our Common Home) calling for a rapid transition from fossil fuels to renewables, and for social, economic and racial justice. If possible, please join us.