Above Photo: From CreativeResistance.org.
Kashmir is a complicated, long-time dispute between Pakistan and India who have fought three wars over the area, most recently in 1999. China also claims a portion of Kashmir. The United States seems to be looking for areas of conflict with Russia, Kashmir could be another one. In the article below, Paul Barrow, urges that the world confront the issue of Kashmir and allow for self-determination by the Kashmiri people. Failure to do so could result in Karmis becomes a trigger point for war between the US and Russia.
Right now there are protests raging in four southern districts in Kashmir, Indian-controlled areas, and the police are unable to respond; hundreds and thousands holding ‘azadi’ rallies (Freedom rallies) almost daily in absence of an effective police force. The protests are calling for India out of Kashmir. This round of protests began when popular militant Burhan Muzaffar Wani was killed by Indian security forces on July 8, 2016.
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” – Margaret Mead
The U.S. has recently shown its official stance on Kashmir again, by avoiding any appearance of taking sides on the conflict and restating that it is up to India and Pakistan to resolve the issue. It’s been stated by other countries as well. But that’s hogwash.
The interest of other countries in the Kashmir dispute is warranted and highly recommended. The Kashmir dispute is not simply to be left to India and Pakistan, and the interest of other countries does not represent unnecessary interference in the internal affairs of India, however much they would like to claim. This is a global problem that affects global peace and security.
When two nuclear countries stand face to face and cannot settle a vicious sore between them after 70 years, they have proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that they are incapable of doing so.
Because international interests are so deeply embedded in both countries, such interests are clearly at stake. What countries will support India if there is war? What countries will support Pakistan? Will this really be Russia against the U.S.?
There is a dividing line here in the context of global politics where two very opposing forces are very much at odds. This could prove to be all-out global war. Kashmir would just be the final domino that falls in this madness that causes two international banking cartels to be opposed to one another. It’s about world domination, about which hemisphere of influence has control, and it might be labeled East vs. West. That’s Armageddon in the making.
The bottom line is that Kashmir is an international issue. Instability in Kashmir threatens global peace, particularly when India insists that the whole problem is caused by Pakistani influence and terrorism. That’s a lie. India knows it, and the whole world knows it. So why continue the charade? Because global interests are involved. It serves the Western agenda to attack Pakistan and limit its influence elsewhere.
Other governments must realize that they must intervene and support self-determination for Kashmir in order to bring some resolution to the problem.
The whole matter of demonstrating whether or not India is committing war crimes and human rights violations is less important than to demonstrate that peace can only come through self-determination. It’s time to secure self-determination first, and then settle other matters later.
Kashmiris can achieve this on their own. As Margaret Mead once said, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” But at what price?
There will be fewer lives lost if the international community gets behind it. The greater the threat to peace in Kashmir, the more urgent it is for the world to sit up, take notice, and start knocking on India’s door.