Call For A Gathering Of All Revolutionary Forces For Unity Within The Popular Movement, Parties, And Revolutionary Political Organizations.
Dear comrades, greetings to you,
The political organizations of the popular movement, all revolutionary forces must come together to steer the course of the struggle. Throughout the period of generalized class warfare established by the cynical capitalist class in our country, aiming to trample upon the wealth of the popular masses, we can observe the strong imperialist intentions of the American empire and its allies, the capitalist class, manifesting to completely crush any attempt to break free from the oppressive system. Meanwhile, they play on the disorganization within our party and political organizations, aiming to exploit the masses without facing any revolutionary actions in times of crises. We understand. The old winds of capitalist systems, coupled with the reactionary state, corrupt politicians in our country, fear the rising of genuine radical movements that could lead to a revolution addressing the dangers brought by American imperialism, to quash any actions of the masses, seeking to create false alliances under the hypocritical bourgeois banner. This is why all actions of the parties and social-treaty organizations, reactionary petty bourgeoisie, and paramilitary groups under the control of American imperialism, are taken to betray the working class, laborers, small traders, peasant landless, and people who stand against all forms of social, political, and economic oppression in the country. In the face of the circumstances we are currently confronting, all revolutionary political organizations and parties are obliged to come together to bring order to this permanent political conjuncture.
Any proposal aiming for a transition under the dominance of American imperialism is a pact with the death of the masses. All progressive-revolutionary political parties and organizations that embrace imperialism, the CORE GROUP, OAS, United Nations Security Council, under the administration of Biden, declare themselves enemies of the exploited class in the country. Therefore, any party, any alliance that is not aligned with the people, with the masses, is an alliance that will put an end to the neoliberal policies, to continue sowing discord among the popular masses, just as it is happening now. The conspiracy is rising, and it will end in an election to place their satellites in power under the guise of people’s democracy. This is why all progressive-revolutionary political parties conscious of this moment should not align with imperialism, social-opportunists, and reactionary bourgeoisie, but detach themselves from any form and project of the Death Agreement that is delivering the landless peasants, workers, and laborers into even greater misery.
Fundamental steps are needed for all revolutionary forces in the country to unite with the popular masses:
- In the face of the decadence of the capitalist system, the reactionary bourgeoisie, and the decomposition seen in every part of the country, particularly in the stronghold of the western department, it becomes evident as clear as daylight that the entire popular masses, both locally and globally, are in dire need.
- Given the tactics of the powerful imperialist forces, the capitalist class, who remains a servant to the state, continues to obstruct all paths to the integral economic development of Haiti, breaking down all its production forces, with a focus on projects promoting the contamination of the country through the continuous spread of GMO production. Alongside the neoliberal project, they persist in setting hurdles to exterminate the masses.
- In the face of the severity of crises that every corner of the country is experiencing today, we come to understand that this situation is the culmination of a societal project enjoying all the privileges of the coup d’état that occurred during the popular revolution of 1791. In this sense, it is imperative for the progressive-revolutionary parties and organizations to refocus their efforts on organizing the masses until they regain control of political power.
- As the imperialist powers organize themselves to weaken the popular masses, they establish a cynical repression force within and outside the state apparatus to provide guarantees to the reactionary bourgeoisie and diminish the ability of workers to intervene for their survival. This constant wage suppression renders workers more vulnerable each day.
- Revolutionary political parties and organizations, in collaboration with the popular masses, must mobilize all their energy for a genuine decomposition and collapse of the capitalist system.
- In the face of how major imperialist countries organize internationally to establish the oppressive system, it is now a categorical imperative for Haitian revolutionary political parties and organizations to reconnect with the global community through progressive internationalization for the liberation of the exploited masses.
In conclusion, political parties and organizations within the popular social movement, sensing that it is more than a necessity, must commit sincerely to gather our forces in popular unity.
David Oxygène, Secretary General MOLEGHAF
Domini Resain, Director of mobilizations
Jelin Esaü Jules, Director of communication
Pòtoprens, Ayti, 10 mas 2024
Apèl pou rasanbleman ak tout fòs revolisyonè pou yon inite nan kan mouvman popilè a, pati ak òganizasyon politik revolisyonè yo.
Kanmarad yo, salitasyon se lizay,
Pati, Òganizasyon politik mouvman popilè a, lanbi a kònen pou tout fòs revolisyonè yo mete tet yo ansanm pou yo pran direksyon lit la. Pandan tout peryòd gè jeneralize klas kapitalis sinik la tabli nan peyi a, pou fè dappiyanp sou richès mas popilè yo, nou ka konstate gwo volonte enperyalis meriken ak alye li yo, klas kapitalis la, manifeste pou kraze konplètman tout batay ki vle kase ren sistèm peze souse a. Pandanstan, y ap jwe sou dezòganizasyon nou menm pati ak òganizasyon politik yo, pou mas ekplwate a pa poze okenn aksyon revolisyonè plen tankou ze nan kalte kriz yo twouve yo la. Nou konprann. Vye van sistèm kapitalis yo, makonnen ak leta reyaksyonè, politisyen rat do kale nan peyi a, pè gwo monte reyèl mouvman radikal yo, ki ka debouche sou yon revolisyon k ap pote solisyon ak danje enperyalis meriken pote la, pou touye tout aksyon mas yo, nan chache pwopoze yo vye alyans tèt chat ant leta kapitalis la nan inyon anba drapo tout ipokrit boujwa. Se sa ki fè tout aksyon fòse pati ak òganizasyon sosyal-trèt, ti boujwa reyaksyonè ak gwoup paramilitè ki sou kontwol enperyalis meriken yo poze, pou ini ak ede boujwazi a jwenn yon nouvèl tranzisyon nan sa ki gen la, se pou trayi klas ouvriye a, travayè a, ti machann yo, madan sara yo, peyizan san tè yo, ak moun yo mete kanpe lwen sou tout fòm tankou sosyal, politik, ak ekonomik nan peyi a. Sikonstans n ap fè fas jounen jodia, blije tout oganizasyon ak pati politik revolisyonè yo chita ansanm pou mete lòd nan diskisyon konjonkti politik pèmanan sa.
Tout pwopozisyon pou akouche yon tranzisyon anba dominasyon enperyalis meriken se siyen kontra lanmò mas yo. Tout pati ak òganizasyon politik pwogresis-revolisyonè ki pote boure nan sa enperyalis meriken, CORE GROUP, OEA, konsèy sekirite Nasyonzini, sou direksyon administrasyon Biden lan la tou deklare tèt yo ennmi klas eksplwate nan peyi a. Kidonk, tout pati, Tout alyans ki pa alyans nan mitan pèp la, nan mas yo ansanm ak mas yo, se alyans ki pwal bay jarèt ak politik neyoliberal la, pou kontinye simen dèy nan kan mas popilè a, menm jan sa ap fèt la nan moman an. Konplo an monte, li pral fini nan wout eleksyon pou yo mete satelit yo sou pouvwa anba demokrasi pèpè a. Se sa ki fè, tout pati ak òganizasyon politik pwogresis-revolisyonè ki konsyan moman sa pa pou alyans ant enperyalis, sosyal-opòtinis, boujwazi reyaksyonè se pou yo detache sou tout fòm ak tout pwojè Akò lanmò k ap livre peyizan san tè yo, ouvriye ak travayè yo, an gwo moun yo deja fe pi mal yo.
Fondal-natal nesesite pou tout fòs revolisyonè peyi a mete yo ansanm ak mas popilè a :
- Fas ak dekadans sistèm kapitalis la, boujwazi reyaksyonè a, dekonpozisyon yo nan tout peyi a, espesifikman nan basyon depatman lwès la parèt klè kou dlo kòk pou tout mas popilè a an patikilye ak rès mond lan.
- Fas ak jan gwo pwisans enperyalis yo, klas kapitalis restavèk leta peyi a kontinye ap bare tout wout devlopman ekonomik entègral ayisyen an nan kraze tout fòs pwodiksyon li yo nan sousi pou pwojè kontamisyon pwodui OGM kontinye fè chimen yo anndan peyi a. Parapò ak pwojè neyoliberal la, y ap kontinye poze pyon pou ekstèmine mas yo.
- Fas ak gravite kriz tout kalte peyi a ap konnen jounen jodia nou rive konprann klè kou dlo kòk sa se aboutisman tout yon pwojè sosyete k ap jwi tout privilèj koudeta ki fèt sou revolisyon popilè 1791 lan. Nan sans sa a gen nesesite pou pati ak oganizasyon pwogresis-revolisyonè yo pou yo rejwenn nan sousi pou yo kontinye òganize kòlè yo jiskaske yo reprann kontwol pouvwa politik la.
- Fas ak jan pwisans enperyalis yo òganize yo pou febli mas popilè yo, se rive tabli yon fòs represyon sinik anndan kou deyò tout apareyay leta a pou bay garanti ak boujwazi reyaksyonè a epi diminye tout sa ouvriye ak travayè yo ta kapab antre nan men yo pou yo siviv. Salè pwatrinen sa ki rann ouvriye ak ouvriyez yo vin pi vilnerab chak jou pi plis.
- Pati ak oganizasyon politik revolisyonè yo nan makonnay ak mas popilè a dwe degaje tout enèji pou yon veritab dekonpozisyon ak efondreman tout sistèm kapitalis la.
- Fas ak jan gwo peyi enperyalis yo oganize yo entènasyonalman pou tabli sistèm peze souse a, jodia se yon enperatif kategorik pou pati ak Òganizasyon politik revolisyonè ayisyen yo rekonekte ak rès mond lan nan kad entènasyonalizasyon pwogresis pou liberasyon mas eksplwate yo.
Boutofen, pati ak oganizasyon politik anndan mouvman sosyal popilè a ki santi se plis pase yon nesesite pou yo pran angajman tout bon vre an nou rasanble fòs nou nan inite popilè a.
David Oxygène, Sekretè jeneral MOLEGHAF
Domini Resain, responsab mobilizasyon
Jelin Esaü Jules, responsab kominikasyon