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Nat’l Black United Front: Next Steps After ‘Justice Or Else’

National Black United Front’s Kujichagulia (Self-Determination) Action Plan

October 10, 2015 will mark the 20th anniversary of the historic Million Man March.  With a theme of “Justice or Else,” millions of people have been mobilized around the country and a revitalization of activism has occurred. The National Black United Front has organized a Kujichahgulia (self-determination) Plan of action that  is practical enough for any organization to apply and for individuals who are looking to create something of substance, can use.

1. Join an organization

We believe that in order for Black people in America to become a free, liberated and independent people we must be organized. Therefore, we believe all Black people should join an organization that is working in the interests of our people. We believe that the National Black United Front (NBUF) is such an organization and we urge you to join us. Although our condition in this country may be termed critical, it is not irreversible. We must remember that we are a great people with a culture and civilization, which extends to antiquity. NBUF is an extension of this river that continues to fight for our people. You should consider joining NBUF because we believe that in these critical times there is a need for bold action and strong commitment to organize for power, Self-Determination and a higher quality of human life.

2. Political Education Classes

Malcolm X once stated, “Of all our studies, history is best qualified to reward all research.” NBUF‘s position is that we must develop our spiritual, political, cultural, and economic education. This can best be achieved through collective study and application. Therefore NBUFencourages organizations and individuals to join or formulate a study group that consistently meets on a weekly or bi-weekly basis. This can be done in a public space or in someone’s home.

3.  Develop Investment Clubs to Buy Land in the Black Community.

Acquiring land is essential to nation building.  By applying the Kwanzaa principle Ujamaa (co-operative economics) individuals and currently established organizations can pool their resources together in order to purchase property in the Black neighborhoods. This space can be used for community programs, liberation schools and/or co-operative living.  This can also help to combat the issue of gentrification in the Black community.

4. African Centered Saturday Schools and Rites of Passage Programs.

The education of Black children is paramount to our liberation.  Currently the community does not have adequate resources to establish enough African Centered Liberation Schools to educate all of the children in the Black community. However, we can supplement the current education system by establishing Saturday Schools and rites of passage programs that teach our children how to become producers and controllers of the economic, political and social structure of the Black community. Rites of passage programs will help to teach young boys and girls how to become productive and disciplined men and women.

5. Personal Safety and Self-Defense.

Self-preservation is the first law of nature. With that being said, we must educate ourselves and our families on how to remain safe, insideand outside our homes. NBUF encourages everyone to study martial arts, as well as to learn basic first aid, CPR and how to use an AED. It is recommended that individuals and organizations take classes in learning basic self-defense techniques and tactics. Additionally, we should convene workshops throughout our communities educating people on how to interact with law enforcement.

6.  Boycotts:

As a result of their discriminatory practices NBUF is calling for a boycott of these institutions.

Wells FargoWells Fargo settled a discrimination case in which it charged Black people higher fees for mortgages, thus making it harder to own a home.

Bank of America. Bank of America discriminated against black job candidates over two decades.

Shell Oil. The Ogoni people of Nigeria face continued loss and degradation of land due to oil spills started in the 1990s by Shell Oil. Shell Oil has yet to pay the people of Ogoniland reparations.

7.  Reparations

The Trans-Atlantic Slave “Trade” and chattel slavery, more appropriately called the Holocaust of Enslavement or Maafa, was a crime against humanity. Millions of Africans were brutalized, murdered, raped and tortured. They were torn from their families inAfrica, kidnapped and lost family and community associations. African peoples in the United States and the prior colonies were denied the right to maintain their language, spiritual practices and normal family relations, always under the threat of being torn from newly created families at the whim of the “slave owner.” Chattel slavery lasted officially from 1619 to 1865. It was followed by 100 years of government led and supported denial of equal and humane treatment including Black Codes, convict lease, sharecropping, peonage, and Jim Crow practices of separate and unequal accommodations.

Following up the Million Man March, the National Black United Front will host a National Community Forum titled “Justice or Else: Whats Next?” The community forum will take place Saturday October 10 at 7:30 PM at We Act Radio Station 1918 MLK Ave SE Washington DC.

The purpose of the program will be to bring people from across the nation together to discuss and implement realistic programs of action post the Million Man March.

There will be discussion and information on:

  • Building Investment Clubs
  • Saturday Schools
  • African Centered Study Groups
  • Boycotts
  • Self Defense and Tactical Training
  • International Issues

Participants will include:

Kristina Jacobs – National Black United Front
Akeem Rashad Allah – Nation of Gods and Earths
Angela Jones – Malcolm X Grassroots Movement
Saladin Quanaah Allah – Nation of Gods and Earths
Sylvie Bello – Cameroon American Council
Krystal Lephart – NAACP
Sister Schyla – Empower DC

Performances By:

Malcolm X Drummers and Dancers
Rashad Sun
Daniel Ivory

The program will be live streamed @

For vending or more info click here

click to RSVP

Through NBUF‘s coalition of organizations and individuals, it has worked to help less fortunate people meet the basic needs of food, personal hygiene products, medical supplies and clothing.

For more info please contact: or 301 836 1826

Even if you cannot attend, you can still help by donating thefollowing or similar items:
10 Items of Each: 
First aid kits
20 Items of Each:
Bars of soap
Cans of mixed vegetables
Cans of Black Beans
2 Bags of:


3 Cases of water

If you would like to make a donation or volunteer, please click here.

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click to buy black
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African descendants continue to be denied rights of self-determination, inheritance, and full participation in the United States government and society. The laws and practices in the United States continue to treat African peoples in a manner similar to slavery – maintaining dual systems in virtually every area of life including punishment, health care, education and wealth, maintaining the myths of White superiority and African and African descendants’ inferiority.
NBUF has started a petition in support of bill H.R. 40, a bill to study reparations. We encourage everyone to support the passing of this bill, by singing the petition. Click here to sign the petition. 
8.  Support of Political Prisoners and Political Prisoners of War.
There are many sisters and brothers that were targeted by the FBI and have been falsely incarcerated for their political work. There were also many sisters and brothers that engaged in armed struggle to defend that Black community and as a result they were arrested.  We cannot leave our soldiers behind on the battlefield.  We can hold monthly, bi-monthly and or quarterly letter writing sessions and send donations to their commissary.  We can also contact their legal teams, to see what additional help may needed.
9. Election of Progressive Black Politicians
If we do not take control of the political offices in our community, someone else will and therefore be in control of the resources of our communities. The Black community needs to educate and register voters, as well as finance its own candidates for office. Finally, we must continue to support our politicians once they are elected.  The work doesn’t stop after you have voted.

Urgent End Of Year Fundraising Campaign

Online donations are back! Keep independent media alive. 

Due to the attacks on our fiscal sponsor, we were unable to raise funds online for nearly two years.  As the bills pile up, your help is needed now to cover the monthly costs of operating Popular Resistance.

Urgent End Of Year Fundraising Campaign

Online donations are back! 

Keep independent media alive. 

Due to the attacks on our fiscal sponsor, we were unable to raise funds online for nearly two years.  As the bills pile up, your help is needed now to cover the monthly costs of operating Popular Resistance.