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Oil Industry Not Done Raping The Planet

This investors report shows how the oil industry is making major investments in extreme energy extraction that will undermine the ecology of the planet.  The industry is targeting the oceans and the lands with new technology that will produce a lot of oil and lots of money for investors.  They seem to be deaf to the environmental discussion, or perhaps more accurately blinded by the massive profits they see from oil and gas.

5 NEW ENERGY BOOMS every investor should see right now

New research from the private intelligence team used by the CIA, Department of Defense, major oil companies, hedge funds and investment bankers reveals where the energy industry is increasing spending up to $100 billion a year

Meet the Oil & Energy Insiders bringing you the most actionable industry information, first.

The Heads of Two Private Intelligence Networks:

Anes AlicISA Intel, a boutique intelligence agency specializing in the Middle East, Europe, Africa & the oil & energy sector.

Sam LoganSouthern Pulse, private intelligence firm offering strategic insights into Latin America – with broad expertise in oil and energy.

Top Traders & Analysts:

Dan Dicker, a 25-year veteran oil and gas trader shares his analysis of the most compelling events and trades each week.

James Hyerczyck has an unbeatable technical forecasting record. Each week he shows you what’s happening next in the energy sectors

Plus a full team of editors and analysts: James Stafford, Claude Salhani, Jen Alic, John C.K. Daly, Dan Graeber and more

Right now, the energy industry is betting its future on five big trends.

I’m talking about as much as a $100 billion a year increase in direct spending on just one of these five trends.

No, I’m not talking about shale gas or oil (though I have some new insights at the end of this presentation for you on that sector), I’m talking about trends most investors have never heard of but that represent the future of the oil & gas industry.

If you can get in front of this tsunami of money from the energy industry then you can be very successful as an investor in energy.

Because it’s a basic rule of life in the energy sector that stocks price gains FOLLOW direct investment by the industry.

And energy trends are kind to investors.

The energy industry’s unique place in the global economy creates an endless stream of bull markets and big trends.

For example, recently the big trends have been hitting one after the other, producing gains like…

  • 1,157.63% gains from the bull market in solar – enough to turn a $20k investment into $178,000…
  • 1,689.94% gains from the bull market in oil tankers – enough to turn every $20k invested into $357,988…
  • 2,431.745% gains from the bull market in North American on-shore drill rigs – enough to turn every $20k invested into $506,350…

As a mental exercise you can see that $100,000 invested in any one of those could’ve returned over a million dollars each.

 I am reading OIL & ENERGY Insider regularly. It is one of the most informative sources about the energy industry I have found. OIL & ENERGY not only touches on the economies of energy but also on the geopolitics of the energy market, and it provides valuable investment recommendations.

Marc Faber

And the five trends I’m going to show you today are a continuation of this ongoing stream of energy-related bull markets.

You probably know the industry has seen a long string of major opportunities over the past decade or so.

Like, the tanker boom, the solar boom, the liquid natural gas boom, the Shale Revolution, the hydraulic fracking tech boom – on and on it goes.

Trends liked these offered energy investors opportunities like when Andarko Petroleum Corp went up 140% and Tullow Oil shot up 344% from the oil boom in Africa… when the lithium ion boom drove Canadian Lithium Corp up 243.10% in six months.

If you can consistently get in front of these big trends then you can produce staggering gains.

For example, if you’d been investing along industry insiders and caught the solar boom in 2006 you could’ve turned a $10,000 investment in First Solar into $125,763 in three short years.

Then, if you grabbed the next big energy trend, the shale railroad boom, you could’ve turned that $125,000 into $669,012 in another four years.

That’s just two energy trends but together they could’ve turned your $10k initial investment into over $669,000 in about 7 years.

Oil profit from investmentsTo put that in perspective consider the S&P 500 during the same period delivered a cumulative 7-year return of just 14.24% – or only enough to grow a $10,000 investment into $11,424.

And that’s if you totally missed the biggest energy trend of the last decade – the shale boom that delivered spectacular gains like…

  • 3,241.66% gains in Gulfport Energy Corp. – enough to turn $20k invested into $668,332 – in about four years…
  • 3,727.08% in Southwestern Energy Corp – enough to turn every $20k invested into $765,400…

The stream of big stock gains in the energy sector is seemingly endless. Even large cap companies like Halliburton have shot up 441% when it aligns on the back of a single energy trend.

And in today’s presentation I’m going to show you the five trends investors should be paying the most attention to right now because so much industry money is piling into them…

The Super Boom in Subsea Infrastructure. The Oil & Gas industry is increasing investment FIVE TIMES over from $27 billion a year to $130 billion a year on new unseen infrastructure.
The Boom in Oil Production technology that is TRIPLING the value of existing wells: It’s an investor’s dream-come-true because it is the equivalent of re-discovering every known oil-field TWICE OVER.
The Boom in Hyper Oil & Gas Hunting. New technology discovers new oil & gas fields FIFTEEN TIMES FASTER than earlier methods. This tech is sweeping through the industry like wild-fire as explorers race to find new fields first… but the tech is where investors will make the biggest returns, the fastest.
The $200 Billion Boom in Specialized Engineering Firms:A pipeline of $10 billion + projects easily totaling over $200 billion will likely make these engineering firms – and their investors – rich
The Multi-Billion Dollar Shale Revolution Goes Global.

Today I’ll show you each of these booming trends and give you the specific companies best situated to profit from them.

One thing to keep in mind when investing in energy trends is this:

Trends move through the energy industry in a logical sequence.

As an investor if you DON’T understand this logical sequence – the timelines of projects, how money moves through the supply chain, the various regulatory processes etc. – then you’ll probably miss even the most obvious trend.

You’ll invest too early and have to wait for years and years to make money, OR you’ll invest too late and miss out on the biggest gains entirely.

For example, oil & gas has to be discovered before it can be recovered. Then it has to be transported, refined, and sold.

There’s a logical sequence on the business side of energy. And that is just as true for investors.

Consider for example, the railroad boom back in 2009 to 2013.

The boom in rail was caused by the overabundance in shale oil overwhelming existing pipelines.

So rail boomed AFTER the boom in hydraulic fracking companies that started in the early 2000s. The frackers had to first produce the shale oil in large enough quantities to overwhelm existing pipelines BEFORE the industry switched to investing in rail to move it.

So the rail stocks that shot up as much as 435.21% in the last 3-years (enough to make you $435 for every $100 invested).

Ironically, a lot of investing analysts and gurus miss this fundamental of energy investing. We’ve seen a lot of analysts starting to get on board with the rail boom in 2013 – any one you see talking about the potential of rail because of oil today in 2013 is about 4-years behind the market.

That’s why my team of intelligence networks and insiders works to track the entire supply chain from exploration to the gas pumps. That’s the only way to know what trend to invest in NEXT.

Hi. My name is James Stafford, and I’m the publisher of where we publish more energy industry news than any other site on the planet.

I’ve brought together a unique group of intelligence networks and energy industry analysts and insiders. The intelligence groups I’m about to introduce you to have been hired by everyone from the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency, the U.S. Department of Defense, major oil companies, hedge funds and more.

Our intelligence sources include energy executives, government officials, journalists, and more.

Oil profits aheadAll in all we have over 400 assets on the ground in every aspect of the oil & energy industry throughout the world.

I’ve expanded our team of insiders to also include top energy traders and analysts all working to bring you actionable, tradable energy intelligence on a weekly basis.

The private intelligence networks we’ve paired with our market analysts, researchers, and veteran traders has produced a unique information advantage.

And we consistently discover these trends first, usually before Wall Street.

I know this because several hedge funds have come to my intelligence team to help them understand what is happening in the energy industry better.

The trends I’m about to show you represent the best current opportunities for investors.

There are many other booms and trends that are taking shape, trends considered “cutting edge” in the industry, but from an investment standpoint they have NOT reached maturity. They’re not ready for smart investors to jump into yet.

Instead, these five trends are where the industry is putting its money right now AND where investors have the biggest opportunity.

So let’s get started.


The $103 billion annual increase in spending on Subsea Processing Systems

Right now only about 30% of oil and gas extracted in the world is from off-shore oil & gas production.

Most of that off-shore production is from shallow water wells. Only 9% of that oil and gas is being recovered from deep water wells.

And that is changing fast.

One of the biggest trends in the oil & gas industry is best described as: “Deeper, deeper, deeper.”

Over the next 15 to 20 years the industry expects off-shore oil and gas production will equal on-shore production. Think about that: this is like getting into the traditional oil industry back before all of the biggest fields were put into production!

Most on-shore fields are mature fields. But the ocean holds enormous oil & gas fields like the Shenandoah Basin in the Gulf of Mexico that looks like it could hold 15 BILLION barrels of oil or the Mad Dog Field holding an estimated 4 billion barrels.

That’s why the oil & gas industry is betting its future on deep water drilling.

Oil Subsea investmentsAnd it’s barely been tapped. The industry currently spends $27 BILLION a year on subsea facilities – for wells at depths of 7,000 feet or more. That number is set to grow almost FIVE TIMES over to $130 BILLION in 2020.

Right now is the time for smart investors to get in front of this $100 billion a year ramp up in spending on subsea facilities.

Where is that money going to be spent?

First, let’s look at what subsea processing is.

Deep sea wells are drilled by a moveable rig and the extracted oil and natural gas is transported by riser or undersea pipeline to a nearby production platform.

Subsea systems, used at depths of 7,000 feet or more, don’t drill; they extract and transport the oil or gas.

Unlike traditional shallow water drilling, subsea systems actually process oil & gas on the sea floor.

These systems can separate unwanted elements from the oil & gas right on the seafloor: remove or re-inject water into wells, boost well fluids, remove sand and sediment, separate gas & liquid.

These are all activities that USED to have to happen above water which made deep-sea processing so expensive.

Basically subsea systems cut out an entire layer of traditional production simply by doing everything down on the seafloor.

That translates into lower production costs so it saves money and increases the profit margin on each well.

PLUS; subsea production also allows you to use a single platform to service multiple wells. In other words, it saves money while increasing production – a double winner for the industry.

So it’s no wonder the industry is looking to expand from $27 billion a year investment into subsea processing to $130 billion in 2020.

Oil new machineryIn order to fully develop subsea fields the industry needs NEW equipment that makes this work: from specialized drill rigs, deep sea power systems and more.

That’s what this $100 billion a year increase is going to be spent on first.

So in the logical sequence of drilling in the deep sea this new technology is where investors need to look right now.

As investors we want to get in front of that $100 billion increase in spending. Clearly, the companies who will be benefiting from this massive new investment are the ones that interest investors.

Who will get the money?

I’ll send you the names of the companies who are providing the necessary tech and are positioned to profit from the boom in subsea processing in our FREE REPORT: 5 Giant Game-Changing Energy Trends.


The Lazarus Process:
TRIPLES the amount of recoverable oil in existing wells

Like Lazarus rising from the dead this technology revives “dead” oil wells.
And TRIPLES the amount of recoverable oil from existing wells.

For decades the industry has poured money into research and development on how to get more oil out of existing wells.

Up until now each new oil well had two phases of production:

Phase one is when hydrocarbons rise to the surface themselves – this is the iconic image of oil gushing up out of a well. When the natural pressure stops traditional pumping is used.

Phase two starts once that primary source of oil is exhausted – water or gas is then injected into the wells to increase the pressure and drive the oil to the surface.

The problem is – those two processes COMBINED only extract about 25% of the oil in the well. Then the well is closed down, left for dead, and 75% of the oil is left out of reach.

The Lazarus Process allows drillers to recover 75% of the oil in a well instead of a paltry 25%, effectively TRIPLING the oil recovered from each well.

This is not theoretical. It’s a proven, commercially viable process that is already being used.

Think about that: The Lazarus Process takes a “dead well” that produced 1 million barrels and goes back and pulls 2 million more barrels out of the ground.

This process is like rediscovering every oil field ever found… TWICE.

Right now in the U.S. alone there are about 89 BILLION barrels of oil sitting there waiting to be extracted from “dead wells.”

Best of all: The process works by REDUCING carbon pollution! It’s based on recovering CO2 pollution produced by the oil refining process and pumping that gas into the wells.

That makes it both a slam-dunk for politicians who want it spread throughout the industry. And makes it a financial slam dunk for drillers. I believe it will be a slam dunk for investors too for obvious reasons.

This is a big trend just barely getting started from an investor’s standpoint.

It’s called Enhanced Oil Recovery. Here’s how it works:

OIl Lazarus method of extraction

Step one: Capture CO2, Carbon gas, emitted by the refiners. Full operations will capture 90% of carbon dioxide emitted by refiners – enough to condense the carbon impact of 10 refineries essentially down to the size of one.

Step two: The CO2 is then transported directly to oil wells.

Step three: Where it is injected into the ground to increase pressure in the wells. When the CO2 mixes with the trapped oil the oil EXPANDS. The increased pressure pumps the oil out.

So for every $1 of oil produced in existing wells this process produces $2 more.

Just one oil field south of Houston, Texas, is looking at an increase from 1.6 million barrels of recoverable oil to 3.1 million barrels.

This technology is a MAJOR NEW PROFIT CENTER for the oil industry.

The investing opportunity: We have several profit opportunities up and down the supply chain because of The Lazarus Process.

But the best bet right now is in Texas, where new CO2 pipelines are being added to the existing pipeline network. Texas is the leader in enhanced oil recovery right now and is where the money is in the near term.

One company stands head and shoulders above everyone else right now. This is the #1 stock investors should be looking at to profit on The Lazarus Process. I’ll give you our detailed analysis in your FREE REPORT5 Giant Game-Changing Energy Trends.


New tech discovers oil & gas fields fifteen times faster

Oil finding new fields

This is another breakthrough whose time has come from an investor’s standpoint.

It finds the same amount of oil in a matter of weeks that it took a decade to find back in the 1990s.

You may not know it but the energy industry is second only to the U.S. Department of Defense in the use of super- computers.

They are used in seismic imaging to make it easier to find oil & gas fields before drilling.

It replaced the old method of drilling, drilling, drilling to find the sweet spot for oil and gas wells.

Essentially what these supercomputing systems do is analyze vast amounts of seismic imaging data collected by geologists using sound waves.

In recent years the industry has added 4D imaging, which unlocks a variable that allows oil and gas companies not only to determine the geological characteristics of a potential play, but also gives them a look at the how a reservoir is changing LIVE, in real time.

What it means for the industry: Whoever has the best super-computers gets to the best oil & gas fields FIRST.

So it saves money while finding fields faster.

Now, one company is clearly winning the “arms race” in super-computers. It’s built one of the most powerful super computers in the world specifically to find new fields, faster.

Explorers in the industry who use their system will be able to find oil and gas fields FIFTEEN TIMES FASTER than their competitors. Clients are flocking to them.

You’ll find the name and details of this new leader in oil & gas exploration tech in your FREE REPORT5 Giant Game-Changing Energy Trends


Gas industry on track to invest $200 billion into these projects

In June the U.S. government approved a $10 billion Freeport Liquid Natural Gas (LNG) Development Project. These LNG terminals are a necessary new infrastructure for one of the biggest bets the gas industry is making right now.

You see, natural gas faces a massive problem. It’s not easily stored in gaseous form.
It functions more like electricity than it does oil. You need to have a direct connection between the source of the natural gas and the end user. Just like you have power lines bringing electricity into your house.

That severely limits demand for natural gas because building a pipeline infrastructure similar to our electrical grids is too impractical.

Liquefaction, the process of turning natural gas into a liquid that can be stored, is the solution.

But we don’t currently have the infrastructure to transport liquid natural gas.


Oil LNG terminal

The good news is: The U.S. government, major oil companies like Shell Oil and others, and the gas industry as a whole is aggressively pushing to build NEW LNG INFRASTRUCTURE.

The $10 billion Freeport Liquid Natural Gas (LNG) Development Project is just the tip of the iceberg of projects in the works. We could see 5 more of these $10-$12 billion projects start this year alone.

And see 19-20 more right on their heels.

That could be $200 billion or more in investment into this new infrastructure.
So ask yourself: Who is going to benefit FIRST from the rise of LNG infrastructure? Long term the Liquid natural gas exporters will benefit. The LNG terminals being built are essentially highly specialized ports to manage the logistical issues around the transportation of liquid natural gas.

But they won’t be first to see a big boom in their stock prices.

They are farther down the line in the sequence of companies who will benefit. First in line are the specialized engineering firms who will BUILD the LNG terminals. These are the companies who will actually receive that estimated $200 billion in direct investment.

That’s the #1 opportunity facing us RIGHT NOW.

Who are they? I’ll show you in your FREE REPORT5 Giant Game-Changing Energy Trends. In a moment I’ll tell you how to download this special report today.

But that brings me to one last game-changing trend.


The Shale Revolution
Goes Global – who’s next in line?

North America has been the leader in the shale revolution.

It’s completely transforming the oil & gas industry in the United States and Canada.
But the trend will NOT stop in North America.

We are sitting at the beginning of a global trend to tap shale oil and gas.
New fields are being discovered almost constantly.

And the proven reserves that we know are technically recoverable with current technologies are massive.

  • Russia has 75 billion barrels of recoverable shale oil and 245 trillion cubic feet of recoverable shale gas.
  • China has 32 billion barrels of recoverable shale oil and 1,115 trillion cubic feet of recoverable shale gas.
  • Argentina has 27 billion barrels of recoverable shale oil and 802 trillion cubic feet of recoverable shale gas.
  • Brazil, Mexico, Australia, South Africa, Algeria, Libya, India, the United Kingdom and other countries all have huge fields of shale oil or gas.

Globally we’re looking at 345 billion barrels of technically recoverable shale oil and 7.2 quadrillion cubic feet of recoverable shale gas.

Remember, investors who caught the shale boom in North America had the chance to capture up to 3,241.66% gains in Gulfport Energy Corp. – enough to turn $20k invested into $668,332 – in about four years… and 3,727.08% in Southwestern Energy Corp – enough to turn every $20k invested into $765,400.

At Oil & Energy Insider, published for our small circle of insiders, we’ve been tracking the progress of the shale revolution around the globe.

This is a massive trend.

But it is not a trend you want to dive into blindly.

Oil shale gas basins

Not all of these resources will be unlocked this year, or next year, or even the year after that.

Again, we have to look at the necessary sequence of events that need to happen on a country by country, company by company basis.

If you want to get on board the global shale revolution you need to stay keenly aware of both what the oil & gas industry is doing in each of those countries. You need to know how long the government approval process to unlock those fields is in each of those countries – and exactly where in the process each company is at any given time.

You need to understand the regulatory hoops new projects have to jump through… and how the specific companies involved are equipped to handle them.

And you need to understand all that within the context of the industry as a whole.

That’s where our intelligence networks outperform everyone else in the industry. We have connections, contacts, and intelligence assets on the ground uncovering the real story for our members.So where are the best investment opportunities in shale right now?

It’s all in your FREE REPORT5 Giant Game-Changing Energy Trends

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Like I said, Oil & Energy Insider is totally unique. There is nothing else like it in the world.

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Oil network of experts

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Oil & Energy Insider works to provide private intelligence on the energy industry directly with oil companies, governments, hedge funds, banks, gas companies, consulting and engineering firms and more

The moment you become an Oil & Energy Insider you have at your disposal the most unique and powerful team of energy insiders assembled in one place.

First, you’ll have heads of two of world’s leading private intelligence networks working for you:

Anes Alic is president of ISA Intel, a private boutique intelligence network focusing on the Middle East, Europe and Africa. ISA Intel is a global leader in providing strategic human intelligence to the energy sector.

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And Anes puts ISA Intel’s strategic expertise at your disposal as an Oil & Energy Insider.

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Second, you’ll get world class fundamental and technical analysis of the energy markets from veteran oil & energy traders and analysts:

Dan Dicker is a 25-year veteran oil & gas trader and the author of the award winning book, Oil’s Endless Bid. Hedge funds and investors around the world seek Dan out for his analysis of the oil industry.

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