Fortress On A Hill: Interview With Robert ‘Bob’ Scheer
All right, well, hey, listeners, we have another really solid interview today. And I guess we're kind of running the old TruthDig circuit right now. We had Chris Hedges last week, who some of you have probably already listened to that episode, which was was really solid. And now we've got the boss. Although he probably wouldn't like the term, Robert 'Bob' Scheer, who, you know, is senior editor over there, you know, founder, you know, co founder just really started up the whole TruthDig scene. And, and the thing that's interesting about Bob is, you know, we have more than a little of a personal relationship these days, but I'm constantly learning about him. And, you know, I'll mention it, but we just all watched the documentary on bob above the fold. And, you know, I thought I knew everything about him. And I was just totally blown away by some of the aspects of his career.