Idle No More Calls For Mass Action On October 7, 2013
Idle No More organizers recently attended and participated in an important meeting of sixty Indigenous land defenders and their allies representing front line struggles from across Canada. The meeting named by organizers “Building Unity to Action” took place on August 17, 2013 in Toronto, Ontario on the traditional Anishinaabe Territory of the New Credit First Nation.
This was a strategic & tactical planning meeting organized by Idle No More-Toronto and Defenders of the Land to crystallize a plan for fall action.
One of the primary outcomes of this historic meeting was consensus by all participants to collectively put out a call to all Native and non-Native supporters to join in a mass day of action on Oct 7th, 2013. This day marks the 250th Anniversary of the British Royal Proclamation, which lead to the founding of this country they call Canada - a country founded on indigenous lands.