Sharing love with FERC* commissioners
*Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
This Valentine’s Day, Beyond Extreme Energy, front line communities and allies everywhere will send a message to the FERC commissioners.
We protect what we love and we expect FERC to do the same.
Take a moment to print copies of the BXE valentine or create your own and mail them to the FERC commissioners. Home is where the heart is so we encourage you to send these messages to the FERC commissioner’s homes (addresses below).
This is no secret love, so before you drop your valentines in the mail, declare your love to the world! If you made your own valentine, snap a pic and then share your pic or the valentine we provided on Facebook or Twitter.
CLICK HERE to get to the Sample Facebook Post.
CLICK HERE to get to the Sample Tweet.
CLICK HERE to download the Valentine.
If you’d like to send additional Valentines to where the commissioners live when they’re staying in Washington, DC, I’m sure they’d appreciate it. Their Washington, DC addresses are below.
Grab your paste, markers, fancy doily hearts and construction paper, and pour your hearts out.
Here’s what to do in 6 steps.
1.) Create your Valentine Messages for the FERC commissioners. The more personalized, the better. You can make your own, or you can click the download above to get one that’s already made.
2.) Take pictures of your Valentine Messages. They can be pictures of the messages alone, or selfies of you holding the messages–whichever you prefer.
3.) Send your messages to the home addresses of the four FERC commissioners. Each commissioner has two addresses–one outside DC, and one inside DC. Send your messages to as many of the addresses as you’d like. The more, the better. These addresses can be found at the bottom of the above instructions flyer and in the text above.
4.) If you use Twitter, tweet your pictures at the FERC commissioners. Information on how to do this is found in the instructions flyer above.
5.) If you use Facebook, share your pictures there as well. Again, more information can be found in the instructions flyer above.
6.) Let us know you sent your messages by e-mailing your pictures to Please include your name and where you’re from. Please send only those things which you’re comfortable having shared online.
Much gratitude for the folks who worked together to make this project happen.