In what is being called the largest anti-fracking protest in California, thousands of people around the state descended on the capital building in Sacramento today to tell Governor Jerry Brown to ban hydraulic fracturing, the process of pumping water and chemicals underground to release natural gas from rock formations. Below are photos and a few videos from the event. Special thanks to Jamie Delaney and Tatiana Makovkin who contributed the bulk of these photos.
3:30 PM
More photos submitted:
3:15 PM
More photos submitted:
3:05 PM
Reading off a list of counties present. From San Diego to Headwaters. Lots of cheers from all places.
3:00 PM
Speaking from the steps now. Groups include Students Against Fracking, and No Drilling in Carson. More pictures submitted. (If you are there, send your photos to
2:45 PM
The March around the Capital building is concluding and people are returning to the steps. More images coming in:
2:30 PM
More photos submitted:
2:15 PM
Two videos have just been submitted:
2:00 PM
The first images have started coming in. The March around the Capital building is starting now. New estimate is 5,000 attendees.
1:30 PM
Initial estimates are 2,000-3,000 attending. Still waiting for photos. Send them if you are there!
12:00 noon
The protest begins in one hour. If you are there, email your photos to