Above photo: Roadblock entering its second day today in Gitxsan Territory
Canada – On the morning of February 8, 2020, RCMP officers landed at the gates of Unist’ot’en Village by helicopter. Unist’ot’en chiefs and house members began calling on their ancestors for support. They held a cremation ceremony for Canadian/Indigenous reconciliation, and burned a copy of the injunction that the RCMP was there to serve on behalf of Coastal GasLink (TC Energy). After about 30 minutes, the RCMP got back into their helicopters and left.
Eleven people including legal observers were arrested today at the camp at 27 kilometer on bogus charges. The 4 people arrested at 27 km yesterday are being held in jail until they appear before a judge in Smithers on Monday
In response rail lines, ports, and roads are being shut down across Canada with people vowing to stay until the RCMP stand down!
- Keep up the pressure and organize an action or Find an Action Near you!
- If you’re in Vancouver join the ongoing port shutdown at Clark and Hastings!
- Sign and Share this Petition to Justin Trudeau
- Support and share Unist’ot’en Legal Fund:
https://actionnetwork.org/fundraising/unistoten2020legalfundUse and share the Supporter Toolkit:
Mainstream media coverage of what’s happening has been overall strongly pro-industry and has failed to meaningfully cover the voices of indigenous people on the frontlines.
It’s up to us to amplify the direct content coming from Wet’suwet’en and get the videos and articles to our friends, co-workers, and neighbours.
Share the articles and videos on social media, invite your friends to follow camp social media handles, write emails to your contacts explaining what’s happening and sharing content. Have conversations with people in your community! Help people understand what Canada is doing and why Canada is being shut down!
RCMP Arrive at Unist’ot’en Healing Centre as Injunction Enforcement Continues
Shut Down Canada: Gidemt’en Spokesperson Calls for People to take to the Streets
Why are Indigenous Rights Being Defined by an Energy Corporation