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US Social Forum: Three Sites For 2015

The US Social Forum Announces Three Polycentric Sites, Summer 2015

Call For Volunteers, Organizations and Leaders

The three official sites of the first Polycentric Social Forum in this country are connected to a powerful series of People’s Movement Assemblies (PMAs) and Movement Schools, from 2014 to 2016, designed to develop community strategy and outreach for the US Social Forum in 2015. While a date has not yet been finalized, sites are currently exploring the possibility of Summer 2015. Watch for the official announcement in September.

The struggle for survival on our planet is intensifying. The US Social Forum is guided by three questions. What is the function of an economy and how do we construct a just one? What is true democracy and who should be included in it? What is a nurturing and protective relationship with the Earth and how do we regain that?

The USSF is calling on organizations, community leaders, technology gurus, willing volunteers, writers, fundraisers, social media geniuses and concerned citizens to join us in the glorious road to USSF 2015.  


For more information on PMA’s, please check out our PMA information at: US Social Forum PMA’s

The schedule of PMA’s in 2014 can be found below:

  • (August 9, 2014) “Envisioning a New Constitution”, Led by Move to Amend and PPEHRC

  • August 22-23, 2014 Southern Movement Assembly, Project South in Atlanta, GA (sending separately)

  • August 23, 2014People’s Social Forum, Ottawa, ON

  • Sept 24-26, 2014 Pacific/North West Social Forum & Regional PMA Community to Community

  • Sept/Oct/Dec 2014 3 Move to Amend Thematic PMAs on “A Democratic Constitution” – Oakland, Salt Lake City, Move to Amend, Hip Hop Congress, The Multi-Media Center, Cham, Peaceful Uprising, Human Agenda and Low Income Self Help Center land others

  • Friday October 17, 2014 4:00-8:00 PM “Austerity, Precarity and the Changing Landscape of Higher Education” PMA Co-organized by International Network of Scholar Activists and George Mason University Public Sociology Student Association Arlington, VA (Washington DC area).

  • Fall 2014 in West Virginia: Appalachian Regional PMA (DAWG and USSF Poverty Working Group) for more info or to get involved contact Direct Action Welfare Group at

  • Fall 2014 Ft. Collins, CO local PMA

  • Fall 2014 Bay Area, California What the Bleep Happened to Hip Hop

  • Gentrification PMA, New York City (date to be determined)

  • Poverty Working Group PMAs/World Courts of Women Against Poverty, Midwest region and Southern region (follow-up from Western and Northeast region)

  • May First Brooklyn PMA on technology, lead organization May First/ People Link

  • Louisville, KY


Shamako Noble

National Coordinator
